Case A16/2012

Attorney-General for South Australia v. Corporation of the City of Adelaide and Ors

Case No.


Case Information

Lower Court Judgment

10/08/2011 Supreme Court of South Australia (Doyle CJ, White J, Kourakis J)

[2011] SASCFC 84


Constitutional law (Cth) — Operation and effect of Constitution — Interpretation — Implied freedom of political communication about government or political matters — System of representative and responsible government — Local government — Clauses 2.3 and 2.8 of the Corporation of the City of Adelaide By-Law No 4 (Roads), inter alia, prohibited preaching, canvassing, haranguing, and distribution of printed matter without permission on roads ("by-law") — Application of constitutional freedom of communication about government and political matters where possible to seek judicial review of an administrative decision that refused consent to communicate — Whether by-law complies with limitations on legislative power delegated to local government under s 667(1)9(XVI) of the Local Government Act 1934 (SA) — Whether impugned by-law effectively burdens freedom of communicating about government and political matters — Whether by-law reasonably appropriate and adapted to serve legitimate end in manner compatible with maintenance of representative and responsible government — Whether potential that by-law may be erroneously administered relevant to validity.

Short Particulars


11/05/2012 Hearing (SLA, Canberra by v/link to Adelaide)

23/05/2012 Notice of appeal

24/05/2012 Notice of Constitutional Matter

08/06/2012 Written submissions (Appellant)

08/06/2012 Chronology (Appellant)

15/06/2012 Written submissions (Attorney-General of the Commonwealth intervening)

15/06/2012 Written submissions (Attorney-General of the State of Queensland intervening)

15/06/2012 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of New South Wales intervening)

26/06/2012 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of Victoria intervening)

29/06/2012 Written submissions (First Respondent)

29/06/2012 Written submissions (Second Respondent)

29/06/2012 Written submissions (Third Respondent)

03/07/2012 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of Western Australia intervening)

13/07/2012 Reply (Appellant)

19/07/2012 Reply (First Respondent)

25/09/2012 Summons seeking leave to intervene and appear as amicus curiae (Human Rights Law Centre)

25/09/2012 Written submissions (Human Rights Law Centre)

27/09/2012 Summons seeking leave to amend Notice of Contention and file supplementary submissions (Third Respondent)

27/09/2012 Supplementary written submissions (Third Respondent)

02/10/2012 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra)

03/10/2012 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra)

27/02/2013 Judgment  (Judgment summary)