Willmot v. The State of Queensland
Case No.
Case Information
Lower Court Judgment
16/05/2023 Supreme Court of Queensland (Mullins P, Gotterson AJA and Boddice AJA)
Civil procedure – Stay of proceedings – Where appellant claimed damages as result of physical and sexual abuse which she claimed she suffered whilst State Child pursuant to State Children Act 1911 (Qld) and under control of respondent by virtue of Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897 (Qld) – Where alleged perpetrators either deceased or in case of NW, 78 year old man who was 16 at time of alleged conduct – Where trial judge held case in exceptional category where permanent stay warranted – Where Court of Appeal upheld trial judge’s decision – Whether Court of Appeal erred in determining trial judge did not err in exercise of discretion to grant permanent stay of applicant’s proceeding.
09/11/2023 Hearing (SLA, Canberra)
22/11/2023 Notice of appeal
11/01/2024 Written submissions (Appellant)
11/01/2024 Chronology (Appellant)
08/02/2024 Written submissions (Respondent)
29/02/2024 Reply
07/05/2024 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)
07/05/2024 Outline of oral argument (Appellant)
07/05/2024 Outline of oral argument (Respondent)