Case S113/2014

Kentwell v. The Queen

Case No.


Case Information

Lower Court Judgment

14/11/2013 Supreme Court of New South Wales (Court of Criminal Appeal) (Hoeben CJatCL, Johnson J, Bellew J)

[2013] NSWCCA 266


Criminal law - Criminal Appeal Act 1912 (NSW) ("Act") - Muldrock error established in sentencing - Appellant sought extension of time in which to seek leave to appeal against sentence under s 5(1)(c) of Act - Whether applicant for extension of time must establish that refusal of extension would result in substantial injustice - If so, whether assessment of substantial injustice can be conducted in summary fashion.

Short Particulars


16/05/2014 Hearing (SLA, Sydney)

30/05/2014 Notice of appeal

20/06/2014 Written submissions (Appellant)

20/06/2014 Chronology (Appellant)

11/07/2014 Written submissions (Respondent)

25/07/2014 Reply

07/08/2014 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)

09/10/2014 Judgment  (Judgment summary)