Weinstock and Anor v. Beck and Anor
Case No.
Related matter
S56/2012 – Beck v. Weinstock & Ors
Case Information
Lower Court Judgment
5/04/2012 Supreme Court of New South Wales (Court of Appeal) (Campbell JA, Young JA, Sackville AJA)
Corporations law – Redeemable preference shares – Validity of issue – Rights attaching to shares – Eight C class shares were allotted in the third respondent ("the Company") – No other shares in the Company over which the C class shares conferred any priority or preference were ever issued – Directors of the Company resolved to redeem the eight C class shares for a nominal amount – Whether other shares, over which preference is enjoyed, must exist for redeemable preference shares to be valid – Whether eight C class shares in the Company were redeemable preference shares for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2011 (Cth) notwithstanding that there were never any other shares issued in the Company by reference to which the C class shares conferred preference.
Corporations law – Management and administration – Directors and other officers – Appointment removal and retirement of directors – Power of court to rectify corporate act which is taken in contravention of corporate constitution – Section 1322(4) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) confers on a court power to make an order that any "act, matter or thing purporting to be have been done" either under the Corporations Act, or "in relation to a corporation" is not invalid by reason of any "contravention of a provision of [the Corporations Act] or a provision of the constitution of a corporation" – Whether purported act contravening constitution by person never validly appointed to office is a "contravention" that can be cured by s 1322(4) – Scope of power conferred by s 1322(4) of the Corporations Act 2001.
07/09/2012 Hearing (SLA, Sydney)
20/09/2012 Notice of appeal
21/09/2012 Written submissions (Appellants)
21/09/2012 Chronology (Appellants)
10/10/2012 Written submissions (First Respondents)
17/10/2012 Reply
14/11/2012 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra)
01/05/2013 Judgment (Judgment summary)