Case S27/2024

YBFZ v. Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs & Anor

Case No.

Case no S27/2024

Case Information


Constitutional law – Judicial power of Commonwealth – Monitoring and curfew powers – Where plaintiff sentenced to aggregate term of imprisonment of 18 months and his permanent refugee visa cancelled – Where after release from prison, plaintiff detained under s 189 of Migration Act 1958 (Cth) – Where plaintiff released from detention and granted various visas, each with curfew condition and electronic monitoring condition imposed – Whether curfew and monitoring powers under cl 070.612A(1) of Sch 2 of Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth), together or alone, "punitive" and therefore contrary to Ch III of Constitution


22/02/2024 Writ of Summons

22/05/2024 Special Case Stated

23/05/2024 Order referring special case to the Full Court by consent

27/05/2024 Written submissions (Plaintiff)

14/06/2024 Written submissions (Defendants)

28/06/2024 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of South Australia, intervening)

12/07/2024 Reply

06/08/2024 Hearing (Full Court, Darwin)

06/08/2024 Outline of oral argument (Plaintiff)

06/08/2024 Outline of oral argument (Defendants)

06/08/2024 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General for the State of South Australia, intervening)

06/11/2024 Judgment (Judgment summary)