Case S78/2022

Attorney-General (Cth) v. Huynh & Ors

Case No.


Case Information

Lower Court Judgment

08/12/2021 Supreme Court of New South Wales (Court of Appeal) (Bathurst CJ, Basten, Gleeson, Leeming & Payne JJA)

[2021] NSWCA 297


Constitutional law – Judicial power – Post-appeal application for inquiry into conviction – State courts – Supervisory jurisdiction – Where s 68(1) of Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth) provided State laws with respect to procedures apply to persons charged with Commonwealth offences where jurisdiction conferred on courts of that State – Where s 68(2) conferred jurisdiction on State courts with respect to criminal proceedings – Where, following conviction for offences against laws of Commonwealth and unsuccessful appeal, Mr Huynh applied to NSW Supreme Court under Pt 7, Div 3 of Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act 2001 (NSW) ("Appeal and Review Act") for review of conviction and sentence – Where NSW Supreme Court judge dismissed application and Mr Huynh sought judicial review of decision – Whether post-appeal inquiry and review procedures in Pt 7, Div 3 of Appeal and Review Act available in relation to conviction or sentence for Commonwealth offence heard in NSW court – Whether power exercised by judge under s 79 of Pt 7, Div 3 of Appeal and Review Act, to consider applications for inquiry into conviction made under s 78, judicial or administrative in nature – Whether ss 78-79 of Appeal and Review Act apply as federal law pursuant to s 68(1) of Judiciary Act in relation to conviction.


12/05/2022 Determination (SLA, Canberra by video connection)

25/05/2022 Notice of appeal

30/06/2022 Written submissions (Appellant)

30/06/2022 Chronology (Appellant)

02/08/2022 Written submissions (First Respondent)

09/09/2022 Written submissions (proposed amicus curiae)

27/09/2022 Written Reply to the amicus submissions (First Respondent)

07/10/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of Victoria intervening)

20/10/2022 Reply

08/11/2022 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)

08/11/2022 Outline of oral argument (Appellant)

08/11/2022 Outline of oral argument (First Respondent)

08/11/2022 Outline of oral argument (Amici Curiae)

08/11/2022 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General for the State of Victoria intervening)

09/11/2022 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)

10/05/2023 Judgment (Judgment summary)