Register of Practitioners

Registry Services & Support

For Registry services and support please contact us by email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Face to face services are no longer provided at the Registry Counter.

Documents for cases should be lodged through the HCA DLS Portal, more information on the DLS Portal is available here:

The office hours of the Registry shall be from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Documents must be lodged by 4.00 pm Monday to Friday to be filed on that day, any act done after 4.00 pm on a day shall be taken to have been done on the next day on which the Registry is open.

Information for Practitioners who wish to be entered on the Register of Practitioners


The entitlement to practise in a federal court depends upon the entitlement to practise in the Supreme Court of a State or Territory and entry in the Register of Practitioners kept in the High Court of Australia in accordance with the provisions of section 55B of the Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth). 

In order to have your name entered in the High Court Register of Practitioners you must be presently entitled to practise as a barrister, solicitor, barrister and solicitor, solicitor and barrister or legal practitioner in the Supreme Court of a State or Territory.

The capacity in which your name will be entered in the Register of Practitioners depends upon the capacity in which you are entitled to practise in the Supreme Court.

For Crown employees, the body by which you are employed must have a statutory right of practise in the Supreme Court of a State or Territory. Such a right ordinarily resides in the Attorney-General's Department, the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Crown Solicitor's office or like bodies.

Documentation Required

To be entered on the Register of Practitioners please complete the application form below.  You will also need to provide a copy of your Certificate of Admission to the Supreme Court of your State or Territory and a copy of your current Practising Certificate together with the application form. Crown employees (see above) should provide a letter from your employer confirming your employment and your entitlement to practise with reference to the legislative provision which authorises you to practise without holding a practising certificate. The application form, Certificate of Admission and practising certificate should be submitted as one PDF if possible.

If the name on your admission certificate is different to the name on your practising certificate, you will need to provide an explanation when lodging your application to be entered on the Register.  This is usually a copy of a marriage certificate, a certificate of change of name, or an affidavit.

Application Form (PDF 274k)  (DOCX 47k)

How to lodge

You application form along with the supporting documents will need to be emailed to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  Please include Register of Practitioners - YOUR NAME in the subject line. The application form, Certificate of Admission and practising certificate should be submitted as one PDF if possible.

Digital Lodgment System Portal

The Digital Lodgment System Portal (DLS Portal) allows legal firms, legal practitioners and self-represented litigants to register, file documents, receive notifications and track the progress of their cases around the clock.

Registering with the HCA DLS Portal does not register you on the Register of Practitioners, or entitle you to practise in the federal courts.

Fees and Charges

No fee is payable to have your name entered in the High Court Register of Practitioners. A letter confirming your name has been entered will be provided. You may request a certificate of admission when your name is entered on the Register at a cost of $140.00 (Payment information). 

Time frames

A letter confirming your name has been entered in the High Court Register of Practitioners will generally take about 3 weeks to be provided to you (although this may fluctuate according to demand).

A Certificate of Admission will generally take about 4 weeks to be provided to you (although this may fluctuate according to demand).

Certificate of Good Standing or Admission Certificate

If you are already entered on the Register of Practitioners you may request a Certificate of Good Standing or a new Admission Certificate.  The fee is $140.00.  To apply for a Certificate please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (Payment information). 

Change in name or capacity

If you wish to change your name or the capacity in which you are entered on the Register of Practitioners you will need to write to the Court stating your full name and the date of entry on the Register.

To change your name on the Register you will need to enclose the authority for your change of name, for example a marriage certificate or certificate of change of name and a current practising certificate showing the name you wish to practise under.

To change the capacity in which you are entered on the Register you will need to provide a current practising certificate showing the capacity in which you wish to practise.

Requests should be emailed to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   with the supporting documents.

Searching the Register of Practitioners

Confirmation of entry on the Register of Practitioners may be obtained in writing upon payment of a $32.00 search fee for up to 10 names. Requests for formal searches of the Register should be sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Practitioners may check their own entry on the Register without charge.

Robing Protocol

A robing protocol is available to assist counsel.

Protocol for obtaining pro bono assistance and appointing amicus curiae

Protocol for obtaining pro bono assistance and appointing amicus curiae published 20 December 2024.