Queensland Nickel Pty Limited v. Commonwealth of Australia
Case No.
Case Information
Plaintiff owns and operates a nickel and cobalt refinery at Yabulu in North Qld - the activity of the production of nickel is an "emissions -intensive trade-exposed" activity identified in Schedule 1 to the Clean Energy Regulations 2011 (Cth) made pursuant to s 145 and s 312 of the Clean Energy Act 2011 (Cth) - whether the effect of the Clean Energy Regulations is to give preference to one State over another State contrary to section 99 of the Constitution.
16/05/2013 Writ of summons
21/05/2013 Notice of constitutional matter (Plaintiff)
20/08/2014 Hearing (Single Justice, Brisbane v/link Sydney)
24/09/2014 Written submissions (Plaintiff)
29/10/2014 Written submissions (Defendant)
12/11/2014 Reply
05/02/2015 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)
08/04/2015 Judgment (Judgment summary)