Full Court Minute Books

Case B31/2013

BCM v. The Queen

Case No.


Case Information

Lower Court Judgment

4/12/2012 Supreme Court of Queensland (Court of Appeal) (de Jersey CJ, Muir JA, White JA)

[2012] QCA 333


Criminal law – Sufficiency of reasons – Verdict unreasonable or not supported by evidence – Appellant convicted of two counts of unlawfully and indecently dealing with a child under 12 years old and in his care – Appellant appealed from conviction on basis that verdict was unreasonable or not supported by evidence – Whether Court of Appeal is required to provide detailed reasons for its conclusion that verdict was not unreasonable or was supported by evidence – Whether Court of Appeal must undertake an independent assessment of the evidence in determining such question.

Short Particulars


06/06/2013 Hearing (SLA, Canberra v/ink Brisbane)

20/06/2013 Notice of appeal

08/07/2013 Written submissions (Appellant)

08/07/2013 Chronology (Appellant)

31/07/2013 Written submissions (Respondent)

19/09/2013 Consent orders to change the name of the matter

02/10/2013 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)

27/11/2013 Judgment  (Judgment summary)