Full Court Minute Books

Case M61/2021

Vanderstock & Anor v. The State of Victoria

Case No.


Case Information


Constitutional law – Duties of excise – Section 90 of Constitution – Exclusive power of Commonwealth Parliament – Where Zero and Low Emission Vehicle Distance-based Charge Act 2021 (Vic) ("ZLEV Act") defines "ZLEV" to mean any of following not excluded vehicles: (a) electric vehicle; (b) hydrogen vehicle; and (c) plug-in hybrid electric vehicle – Where s 7(1) of ZLEV Act requires registered operator of ZLEV to pay charge for use of ZLEV on specified roads – Whether s 7(1) of ZLEV Act invalid as imposing duty of excise within meaning of s 90 of Constitution.


16/09/2021 Writ of Summons

12/05/2022 Draft Special Case

02/06/2022 Order referring special case to the Full Court

28/07/2022 Consent order varying timetable

19/09/2022 Written submissions (Plaintiffs)

04/10/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, intervening)

04/10/2022 Written submissions (Australian Trucking Association, seeking leave to be heard as amicus curiae)

24/10/2022 Written submissions (Defendant)

07/11/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of New South Wales, intervening)

07/11/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the Australian Capital Territory, intervening)

07/11/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of Western Australia, intervening)

07/11/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of South Australia, intervening)

07/11/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the Northern Territory, intervening)

07/11/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General for the State of Tasmania, intervening)

07/11/2022 Written submissions (Attorney-General of the State of Queensland, intervening)

14/11/2022 Reply

14/02/2023 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)

14/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Plaintiffs)

14/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, intervening)

15/02/2023 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)

15/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Defendant)

15/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General for the State of New South Wales, intervening)

16/02/2023 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)

16/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General for the Australian Capital Territory, intervening)

16/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General for the State of Western Australia, intervening)

16/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General for the State of South Australia, intervening)

16/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General for the Northern Territory, intervening)

16/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General for the State of Tasmania, intervening)

16/02/2023 Outline of oral argument (Attorney-General of the State of Queensland, intervening)

17/03/2023 Supplementary written submissions (Attorney-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, intervening)

17/04/2023 Supplementary written submissions (Defendant)

18/10/2023 Judgment (Judgment summary)