Full Court Minute Books

Case P50/2016

AAR15 v. Minister for Immigration and Border Protection

Case No.


Case Information

Lower Court Judgment

19/02/2016 Federal Court of Australia (North J)

[2016] FCA 150


Administrative law – Jurisdictional error – Provision of reasons – Where Refugee Review Tribunal preferred one piece of evidence over another piece of contrary evidence closer in time to the decision being made – Where no reasons were provided for preference of one piece of evidence contrary to another – Where appellant court speculated as to why Tribunal made preference of one piece of evidence contrary to another.


02/09/2016 Hearing (SLA, Canberra v/link Perth)

16/09/2016 Notice of appeal

05/10/2016 Chronology (Appellant)

14/10/2016 Written submissions (Appellant)

11/11/2016 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra)