Full Court Minute Books

Case S217/2019

Commonwealth of Australia v. Helicopter Resources Pty Ltd & Ors

Case No.


Case Information

Lower Court Judgment

15/02/2019 Federal Court of Australia (Rares, McKerracher, & Robertson JJ)

[2019] FCAFC 25


Evidence – Admissions made with authority – Where coronial inquest commenced and summary criminal proceedings brought against company and Commonwealth of Australia – Where subpoena issued to company’s employee to give evidence at hearing in inquest, with proposed topics relating to matters required to be proved in criminal prosecution – Whether s 87(1)(b) of Evidence Act 2011 (ACT) has effect that, by reason of any answers given by employee, company is itself being compelled to provide that information – Whether s 87(1)(b) dictates that employee answers will be admitted into evidence in prosecution if adduced by prosecutor or co-accused – Whether s 87(1)(b) has effect that exercise of compulsory power with respect to employee will compromise protections afforded to accused company by accusatorial process – Whether accusatorial principle require accused company to be protected by precluding employees from being subject to such compulsory power or preventing prosecution or co-accused from learning how accused company may defend charge – Whether compulsory attendance of employee for questioning is inconsistent with accusatorial process.

Short particulars


21/06/2019 Hearing (SLA, Sydney)

05/07/2019 Notice of appeal

02/08/2019 Amended Notice of appeal

05/08/2019 Written submissions (Appellant)

05/08/2019 Chronology (Appellant)

05/09/2019 Written submissions (First respondent)

26/09/2019 Reply

10/10/2019 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording) - Part heard

10/10/2019 Outline of oral argument (Appellant)

10/10/2019 Outline of oral argument (First Respondent)

30/01/2019 Written submissions on the notice of contention (Appellant)

05/02/2020 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)

05/02/2020 Outline of oral argument (Appellant addressing notice of contention)

24/04/2020 Judgment (Judgment summary)