Other law-themed artworks
Artworks representing the work of the Court
Many of the artworks in the High Court's collection that are on display in the Public Hall and that are not part of the fabric of the building address legal themes.
- Public Hall, above ramp to Level 3
- Rosella NAMOK
- born 1979 Lockhart River Queensland
- Today now…we all got to go by same laws
- 2003
- acrylic on canvas
- 'Today now…we all got to go by same laws' was the winner of the High Court Centenary Art Prize run in conjunction with the Australian Bar Association for the centenary of the Court, 6 October 2003; Collection of the High Court of Australia
- Level 3 foyer area
- Marcus BEILBY
- born 1951 Perth Western Australia
- First sitting of the High Court of Australia, Banco Court, Melbourne, 6 October 1903
- 1996–97
- oil on canvas
- Collection of the High Court of Australia
- Level 3 foyer area
- born 1944 Riverton South Australia
- Centenary of the High Court of Australia
- 2003
- oil on canvas
- Commissioned for the Centenary in 2003, collection of the High Court of Australia
- Public Hall near lifts
- Erwin FABIAN
- 1915-2020. Born in Berlin, to England 1938, to Australia 1940 England 1949–1962, Australia from 1962
- Curvilinear
- 1977
- bronze
- A gift of the Law Council of Australia 1981; collection of the High Court of Australia