There have been 13 Chief Justices and 42 Justices since the Court was established in 1903, including the current members of the Court. Three members of the Court – Sir Isaac Isaacs, Sir Ninian Stephen and Sir William Deane – resigned from the Court to become Governor-General. The current Justices of the High Court and the dates they were sworn in, are as follows:
- Chief Justice Gageler AC, 9 October 2012
- Justice Gordon AC, 9 June 2015
- Justice Edelman AC, 30 January 2017
- Justice Steward, 1 December 2020
- Justice Gleeson, 1 March 2021
- Justice Jagot, 17th October 2022
- Justice Beech-Jones, 6th November 2023
Under section 72 of the Constitution, Justices of the High Court:
- Are appointed by the Governor-General in Council;
- Cannot be removed except by the Governor-General in Council on an address from both Houses of Parliament in the same session, praying for such removal on the grounds of proved misbehaviour or incapacity;
- Receive such remuneration as the Parliament may fix; but the remuneration shall not be diminished during their continuance in office; and
- Must retire on attaining the age of 70 years.
How do I address a High Court Judge? (PDF)
More information about the Imperial and Australian honours system