Insight Vacations Pty Ltd t/a Insight Vacations v. Young
Case No.
Case Information
Lower Court Judgment
11/06/2010 Supreme Court of New South Wales (Court of Appeal)(Spigelman CJ, Basten JA, Sackville AJA)
Trade and commerce — Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) (“TPA”) and related legislation — Consumer protection — Conditions and warranties in consumer transactions — Warranties — Whether s 74(2A) of TPA applies to State law authorising contractual provision limiting or precluding liability for breach of implied warranty of due care and skill in s 74(1) of TPA — Whether s 74(2A) of TPA only applies to State laws which limit or preclude liability for breach of implied warranty in s 74(1) of TPA by their own terms — Whether s 74(2A) of TPA picks up and applies s 5N(1) of Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) (“CLA”) — Whether exclusion clause authorised by s 5N of CLA is contract term purporting to exclude, restrict or modify application of s 74(1) of TPA, within meaning of s 68 of TPA — Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth), ss 68 and 74(2A) — Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) s 5N.
12/11/2010 Hearing (SLA, Sydney)
03/12/2010 Notice of appeal
03/12/2010 Notice of constitutional matter (Appellant)
01/02/2011 Written submissions (Appellant)
01/02/2011 Chronology
15/02/2011 Written submissions (Respondent)
22/02/2011 Written submissions (Attorney-General for New South Wales intervening)
01/03/2011 Reply
01/04/2011 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra)
11/05/2011 Judgment (Judgment summary)