Isbester v. Knox City Council
Case No.
Case Information
Lower Court Judgment
10/09/2014 Supreme Court of Victoria (Court of Appeal) (Hansen JA, Osborn JA, Garde AJA)
Administrative law – Procedural Fairness – Where respondent’s delegate ordered pursuant to s 84P of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (Vic) (Act) for the destruction of appellant’s dog due to an incident the year before in which the appellant’s dog bit a person – Where appellant plead guilty to offences under the Act relating to that incident – Where appellant claimed that she was not afforded procedural fairness at the hearing to determine whether appellant’s dog should be destroyed – Where appellant claims that there was apprehended bias because one of the panel members had previously been an accuser in appellant’s criminal prosecution for the same incident – Whether the Victorian Court of Appeal erred in failing to find that the decision was affected by apprehended bias.
Animals – Various statutory provisions – Regulation of Companion animals – seizure and destruction.
13/02/2015 Hearing (SLA, Melbourne)
27/02/2015 Notice of appeal
10/03/2015 Written submissions (Appellant)
10/03/2015 Chronology (Appellant)
24/03/2015 Written submissions (Respondent)
31/03/2015 Reply
14/04/2015 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)