Plaintiff S156/2013 v. The Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor
Case No.
Case Information
Migration - Refugees - Papua New Guinea ("PNG") designated a regional processing country to assess refugee claims ????? Plaintiff entered Australia by sea at Christmas Island and became "unlawful non-citizen" and "unauthorised maritime arrival" - On direction of Minister, plaintiff taken to PNG for processing of refugee application ("Direction") - Whether decision of Minister to designate PNG regional processing country pursuant to s 198AB of Migration Act 1958 (Cth) was made without power and was invalid - Whether Minister's Direction under s 198AD was invalid.
Constitutional law - Powers of Commonwealth Parliament - Whether ss 198AB and 198AD are supported by head of power in s 51 of the Constitution.
20/08/2013 Writ of summons
05/09/2013 Hearing (Single Justice, Canberra v/link Sydney)
24/09/2013 Notice of constitutional matter (Plaintiff)
16/10/2013 Hearing (Single Justice, Perth v/link Sydney)
07/11/2013 Hearing (Single Justice, Canberra v/link Sydney)
19/12/2013 Hearing (Single Justice, Perth)
10/02/2014 Hearing (Single Justice, Canberra v/link Sydney)
26/03/2014 Written submissions (Plaintiff)
16/04/2014 Written submissions (Defendants)
29/04/2014 Reply (Plaintiff)
09/05/2014 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)
13/05/2014 Hearing (Full Court, Canberra) (Audio-visual recording)
18/06/2014 Judgment (Judgment summary)