Former Justices
Apart from the current members of the Court, there have been 11 Chief Justices and 36 Justices since the Court was established in 1903. A biographical synopsis of each is given below.
(born 1855; died 1948). A Justice 1906-30. Chief Justice 1930-31.
Admitted Victorian Bar 1880 (QC 1899). MLA (Victoria) 1892-1901, including Attorney-General 1894-99 and 1900-01. MHR 1901-06, including Attorney-General 1904-06. Governor-General of Australia 1931-36. PC (1921).
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(born 1851; died 1929). A Justice 1906-29.
Admitted Victorian Bar 1876 (KC 1903). Called to English Bar 1886. MLA (Victoria) 1894-1900. MHR 1901-06, including Attorney-General 1904. President Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration 1907-20.
(born 1852; died 1936). A Justice 1913-31. Chief Justice 1931-35.
Admitted Victorian Bar 1874 (KC 1901). Founding editor of Australian Law Times 1879-1883. PC (1932).
(born 1853; died 1939). A Justice 1913-29.
Admitted Queensland Bar 1894. MLA (Qld) 1888-95, including Postmaster-General 1889-90, Leader of the Opposition 1894-95. Crown Solicitor (Qld) 1899-1903. First Commonwealth Crown Solicitor 1903-13. President Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration 1921-26.
(born 1862; died 1945). A Justice 6 March 1913 - 5 April 1913.
Admitted NSW Bar 1890 (KC 1921). MLA (NSW) 1895. President NSW Industrial Commission 1927-32.
(born 1863; died 1956). A Justice 1913-50.
Admitted NSW Bar 1887 (KC 1911). Judge Supreme Court of NSW 1911-13. Australian delegate to League of Nations 1922. PC (1936).
(born 1871; died 1958). A Justice 1920-50. Joined Victorian Bar 1892. He refused to accept silk.
(born 1886; died 1972). A Justice 1929-52. Chief Justice 1952-64. Joined Victorian Bar 1910 (KC 1922). Acting Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria 1926. Australian Minister to Washington 1942-44. PC (1951).
(born 1894; died 1965). A Justice 1930-40.
Admitted NSW Bar 1918 (KC 1929). MLA (NSW) 1925-30. MHR 1940-1960, including Attorney-General and Minister for External Affairs 1941-49, Leader of the Opposition 1951-60. President United Nations General Assembly 1948-49. Chief Justice Supreme Court of NSW 1960-62. PC (1942).
(born 1892; died 1990). A Justice 1930-76.
Admitted NSW Bar 1916. MLA (NSW) 1920-27, including Attorney-General 1920-22 and 1925-27. MHR 1929-30. PC (1963).
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Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press Australia, from The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia, by Tony Blackshield, Michael Coper and George Williams (eds), 2001, © Oxford University Press,
(born 1889; died 1963). A Justice 1940-58.
Admitted NSW Bar 1921 (KC 1935). Captain, Royal Field Artillery, World War I, awarded Military Cross. Judge Supreme Court of NSW 1939-40.
(born 1887; died 1972). A Justice 1946-58.
Admitted Queensland Bar 1913. State Public Defender 1916. Crown Solicitor 1917-22. Solicitor-General (Qld) 1922-25. Judge (1925-40) and Chief Justice (1940-46) Supreme Court of Queensland. President Queensland Industrial Arbitration Court (1925-46). President International Military Tribunal for the Far East 1946-48.
(born 1892; died 1961). A Justice 1950-61.
Joined Victorian Bar 1922 (KC 1933). Served with 27th Battery, Australian Field Artillery, World War I. Judge Supreme Court of Victoria 1945-50.
(born 1903; died 1994). A Justice 1950-70.
Admitted NSW Bar 1927 (KC 1942). Chairman Australian Press Council 1976-82. PC (1963).
(born 1901; died 1969). A Justice 1952-69.
Admitted NSW Bar 1926 (KC 1943). President NSW Bar Association 1948-49. Judge Supreme Court of NSW 1952. PC (1963).