"Pro bono work, legal aid and access to justice: some matters of history", National Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference, Brisbane, 22 June 2023 (PDF)
"A nudge in the right direction; some landmark cases and the development of the law”, Hal Wootten Lecture 2022, UNSW, 24 November 2022 (PDF) (RTF)
“Yesterday, today and tomorrow – a trend towards equality?”, Australian Women Lawyers Conference, Brisbane, 6 August 2022 (PDF) (RTF)
“The role of courts in our society”, LawRight Public Interest Address, Customs House, Brisbane, 25 October 2021 (PDF) (RTF)
"Judicial independence – from what and to what end?", Austin Asche Oration, Australian Academy of Law and Charles Darwin University, Hilton Hotel, Darwin, 27 March 2021 (PDF) (RTF)
"Shaping Legal Minds - the ethical Mind", Queensland Law Society Symposium, Customs House, Brisbane, 19 March 2021 (PDF ) (RTF)
"Legacies of Sir Samuel Griffith", Sir Samuel Griffith Lecture, Queensland College of Art Lecture Theatre, Griffith University, Brisbane, 17 November 2020 (PDF ) (RTF)
“The academy and the courts: what do they mean to each other today?”, Australian Academy of Law Patron’s Address, Banco Court, Brisbane, 31 October 2019 (PDF) (RTF)
Opening of the International Association of Law Libraries, Sydney, 28 October 2019 (PDF) (RTF)
“William Ah Ket’s contribution to diversity in the legal profession”; William Ah Ket Scholarship Presentation, Asian Australian Lawyers Association, Great Hall, High Court of Australia, 9 October 2019 (PDF) (RTF)
“Just how common is the common law? A historical and comparative perspective”, Brennan Lecture, Bond University Law School, 3 October 2019 - To be published in the Bond Law Review. (PDF) (RTF)
“Convergence – the Courts of Singapore and Australia”; joint keynote address with Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, Chief Justice of Singapore, ABA “Convergence2019” Conference, Andaz Hotel, Singapore, 11 July 2019 (PDF) (RTF)
"Aspects of the relationship between the law, economic development and social change and the importance of stability"; 2019 Queensland Bar Association Conference, Brisbane, 2 March 2019 (PDF) (RTF)
“Human rights without an enacted statement of rights“, Legal Research Foundation Conference; farewell conference to mark the retirement of Dame Sian Elias GNZM (31 January - 1 February 2019), Auckland University, New Zealand, 1 February 2019, (to be published together with other conference papers at a later date)
"Social values and the criminal law's adaptability to change", 2018 International Criminal Law Congress, Byron Bay, NSW, 6 October 2018 (PDF) (RTF)
"Judicial Advice to Trustees – its Origins, Purposes and Nature”, Harold Ford Memorial Lecture, 14 September 2018, Melbourne – to be published by the Melbourne University Law School
Ceremonial sitting, Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, Darwin, Tuesday 4 September 2018 (PDF) (RTF)
Opening of the International Law Association 78th Biennial Conference, Sydney, Monday 20 August 2018 (PDF) (RTF)
“The High Court Justices and the weight of war”, The Samuel Griffith Society, 4 August 2018, Brisbane (PDF) (RTF)
“The Significance of Comparative Law to Common Law Judges – an Australian Perspective”, a Lecture delivered at the International Academy of Comparative Law General Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, 23 July 2018 - to be published by the IACL.
“Rhetoric and Reasoning – Contributions to the Common Law” – Hellenic Lawyers Association International Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 9 July 2018 (PDF) (RTF)
"The Adaptability of the Common Law to Change" - The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration, Banco Court, Brisbane, 24 May 2018 (PDF) (RTF)
Welcome and introduction to Australian Constitution Centre, High Court of Australia Building, 9 April 2018 (PDF) (RTF)
“Women in the Australian Legal Profession: progress and a public voice”, International Women’s Day, Kuala Lumpur, 8 March 2018 (PDF) (RTF)
"Judicial decision-making in times of War and Relative Peace", Supreme and Federal Court Judges’ Conference, Monday 22 January 2018 - to be published in the ALJ
“Judicial Courage and the Decorum of Dissent” – The Atkin Lecture – given at the Supreme Court of Queensland, 28 November 2017 (PDF 124K) (RTF 215K)
"Independence - What does it mean for the Legal Profession?", IBA Conference, International Convention Centre, Sydney, 8 October 2017 (PDF 89K) (RTF 156K)
"Vicarious liability in tort - a search for policy, principle or justification", New South Wales Supreme Court Judges Conference, Leura, 25 August 2017 (PDF 150K) (RTF 254K)
"Some reflections, following the Brexit decision, on secession, on the roles of Australian and English courts with respect to the validity of executive and legislative action and on responses to controversial decisions of this kind", Anglo Australian Lawyers Association, London, 12 July 2017 (PDF 114K) (RTF 190K)
"The Community of Courts in the Asia Pacific Region", International Association of Women Judges Conference, Amora Jamison Hotel, Sydney, Friday 28 April 2017 (PDF 109K) (RTF 165K)
"Judicial Methods in the 21st Century", Supreme Court Oration Banco Court, Supreme Court, 16 March 2017 (PDF 109K) (RTF 150K)
"Why the Study of Law is Important", The Opening of the University of Queensland's T C Beirne School of Law's newly renovated West Wing of the Forgan Smith Building, Monday 13 March 2017 (PDF 59K) (RTF 110K)
Chief Justice's swearing in speech, High Court of Australia, Canberra, 31 January 2017 (PDF 56K) (RTF 115K)
Freeleagus Oration, "Legal Influences– across centuries and borders", Brisbane, Friday 26 August 2016 (PDF 81K) (RTF 167K)
The Doctrine of Consideration in Contract – Some Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Contracts in Commercial Law Conference, Domain Theatre, Art Gallery, NSW, 18 December 2015 (yet to be published)
"Good Faith in Contractual Performance" - A background paper for the Judicial Colloquium, Hong Kong, September 2015 (PDF 138K) (RTF 272K)
Developments in the law relating to medical negligence in the last 30 years, Greek/Australian International Legal and Medical Conference 2015, 1 June 2015. It will be published in volume XIX of the International Trade and Business Law Review. (PDF 96K) (RTF 258K)
Actions for negligence against barristers in England and Australia, International Malaysia Law Conference, Kuala Lumpur, September 2014, to be published. (PDF 84K) (RTF 100K)
Vienna Report - Australia: The independence of a meritorious elite: the government of judges and democracy. A lecture presented by the Hon Justice Susan Kiefel AC and Professor Cheryl Saunders at the XIX International Congress of Comparative Law, Vienna, Austria, July 2014, to be published in the Springer, Just Gentium Collection, mid 2015. (PDF 163K) (DOCX 51K)
The Individual Judge (2014) 88 ALJ 554, Sir Richard Blackburn Lecture, 13 May 2014.
Lessons from a "conversation" about restitution (2014) 88 ALJ 176, WA Lee Lecture in Equity, 14 November 2013.
Social Justice and the Constitution - freedoms and protections (2013) 20 JCULR 6, Mayo Lecture, James Cook University, 24 May 2013.
"On being a judge", Public Lecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 15 January 2013. (PDF 196K) (RTF 212K)
The Constitutionalisation of Free Trade by the High Court of Australia and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Freedom of Trade and Commerce under Section 92 of the Australian Constitution. This is a revised and updated transcript of a seminar presented at the Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 14 January 2013, published in the Global Journal of Comparative Law 3:1.
Reasons for judgment: objects and observations, Sir Harry Gibbs Law Dinner, University of Queensland, 18 May 2012. (PDF 68K) (RTF 148k)
Practice at the Bar - what has changed and what remains the same, Bar Association of Queensland Annual Conference, Practice in the Modern Era, 3 March 2012 (PDF 34k) (RTF 139k)
Proportionality - a rule of reason (2012) 23 PLR 85, 2011 Sir Anthony Mason Lecture, University of Melbourne Law School, 7 October 2011.
The use of constitutional supra principles by Judges, Plenary Session IV, VIII World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Mexico City, 10 December 2010 (PDF 76k) (RTF 51k)
Comparative analysis in judicial decision-making: the Australian experience, Max Planck Institute, 12 July 2010 (PDF 141k)
Published in: Bd 75, Heft 2 (April 2011), Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 354-370
Ethics and the Profession of the Lawyer, Queensland Law Society, The Vincents' 48th annual Symposium 2010, 26 March 2010 (PDF 59k) (RTF 79k)
Oral Advocacy — the Last Gasp?, Supreme & Federal Court Judges' Conference, Canberra, 27 January 2010 (PDF 72k) (RTF 81k)
Address to Graduates, UQ Centre, The University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus, 8 December 2009 (PDF 28k) (RTF 33k)
Section 92: markets, protectionism and proportionality - Australian and European perspectives, Monash Law School's 17th Lucinda Lecture, 19 November 2009, (2010) 36(2) Mon L R 1
Queensland University of Technology Association of Law and Justice, Annual Dinner, Marriott Hotel, Brisbane, 21 August 2009 (PDF 44k) (RTF 43k)
Occasional Address, Griffith University Graduands, Brisbane Convention Centre, 1 August 2009 (PDF 35k) (RTF 40k)
The Profession of Barrister - Service, Duty and Independence,Bar Practice Course, Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland, 20 February 2009 (PDF 69k) (RTF 85k)
"Judicial Independence", North Queensland Law Association Conference, 30 May 2008 (PDF 65k) (RTF 78k)
30 MAY 2008
The Honourable Justice Kiefel
High Court of Australia
Speeches and papers relating to Justice Kirby's non-judicial activities can be found on the Foundation Law web site.
Biographical Information - Justice Kirby (HTML)
Judicial Farewell, 2 February 2009 (PDF)
50 Years in the Law: A Critical Self-Assessment, 26 January 2009 (PDF 33k)
But the Greatest of these is Love, Graduation Ceremony, Griffith Business School, Griffith Law School, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 (PDF)
Equity’s Australian Isolationism, W A Lee Equity Lecture,Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 19 November 2008 (PDF)
Neville Wran – A Lawyer Politician – Reflections on Law Reforms and the High Court of Australia, Inaugural Neville Wran Lecture, The Parliament of New South Wales, Thursday 13 November 2008 (PDF)
Domestic Courts and International Human Rights Law – The Ongoing Judicial Conversation, The Hondius Lecture 2008, Universiteit Utrecht, 26 October 2008 (PDF)
At Our Going Out and Our Coming In, On the Occassion of the Conferral of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws of the University, Graduation Ceremony, The University of New South Wales, Tuesday, 9 September 2008 (PDF)
Q and A, Lawfest, Legal Studies Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 22 August 2008 (PDF)
The National Debate about a Charter of Rights & Responsibilities - Answering Some of the Critics, President’s Luncheon of the Law Institute of Victoria, Melbourne, 21 August 2008 (PDF)
Of 'Sham' and Other Lessons for Australian Revenue Law, Melbourne University Law Review, 20 August 2008 (PDF)
Herbert Vere Evatt, The United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights After 60 Years, HV Evatt Lecture 2008, St Andrew’s College, The University of Sydney, 14 August 2008 (PDF)
Lessons for a Life in the Law: Reflectionson Years at Hickson, Lakeman and Holcombe (now 'Hicksons'), Hicksons, Alumni Dinner, Hilton Hotel, Sydney, 12 August 2008 (PDF)
Thirty Years of Law and Justice 1977-2008 Congratulations to QUT Law, Queensland University of Technology, Faculity of Law, 17 June 2008 (PDF)
The Rise and Rise of the Australian Magistracy, Association of Australian Magistrates, XVI Biennial Conference, The Changing Face of Justice, Sydney, 7 June 2008 (PDF)
Law Reform Alberta Style - Words of Wisdom, Alberta Institutue of Law Reform, 40th Anniversary Dinner, Faculty Club, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 3 June 2008 (PDF)
Law Reform - Past, Present, Future, Alberta Law Reform Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Monday, 2 June 2008 (PDF)
The Growing Impact of International Law on Australian Consitutional Values, Australian Red Cross Oration, University of Hobart, Town Hall, Hobart, Thursday, 8 May 2008 (PDF)
The Fundamental Problem of Regulating Technology, Conference on the Ethical Governance of Information & Communication Technology and the Role of Professional Bodies, University House, Australian National University, 1 May 2008 (PDF)
Improving the Discourse between Courts and the Media, Law Institute of Victoria Journal, May 2008 (PDF)
Things we share in common, Workers’ Compensation Commission and Compensation Court of New South Wales, Reunion Dinner 2008, The Union, Universities and Schools Club, Sydney,Thursday, 13 March 2008 (PDF)
Reprieve Australia, Honorary Life Membership Ceremony, State Library of Victoria (Rotunda Room), Melbourne, Australia, 18 March 2008 (PDF)
The Lords, Tom Bingham and Australia, March 2008 (PDF)
Four Parables and a Reflection on Regulating the Net (Edited Transcript), Internet Industry Association, Annual Dinner, Sydney, Australia, 21 February 2008 (PDF)
Australia's Growing Debt to the European Court of Human Rights, The Seventh Fiat Justicia Lecture, Faculty of Law, Monash University, Feburary 2008 (PDF)
Speech of the Unveiling of a Portrait of Justice Michael Kirby, President's Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of (PDF)
Maximising Special Leave Performance in the High Court of Australia, University of New South Wales Law Journal, June 2007 (PDF)
On the Presentation of a Portrait by Josonia Palaitis, Supreme Court of New South Wales, Court of Appeal, 19 November 2007 (PDF)
Appellate Reasons, Supreme Court of Western Australia, District Court of Western Australia, Judges' Seminar, Perth, 23 October 2007 (PDF)
Computers & Law: The First Quarter Centry, New South Wales Society for Computers and the Law, Strangers' Dining Room, Parliament House, Sydney, Tuesday, 9 October 2007 (PDF)
Defining Australian Identity, Southern Cross University, Lismore, New South Wales, Graduation Ceremony, 29 September 2007 (PDF)
From Lutine Bell to Law Reform - A Case Study in Australian Admiralty Law, F. S. Dethridge Memorial Address, Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra, 27 September 2007 (PDF)
Biomedicine - Legal and Ethical Issues, 15th Commonwealth Law Conference, 2007, Law Society of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, 10 September 2007 (PDF)
"Hubris Contained:Why a Separate Australian Tax Court Should Be Rejected", Speech to the Challis Taxation Discussion Group, Union Club, Sydney, 3 August 2007 (PDF)
Not Another Law Journal? Address on the Launch of the Northern Territory Law Journal, August 2007 (PDF)
The Rise (and Fall?) of the Barrister Class By the Hon Michael McHugh AC, Commentary on Justice McHugh's paper, August 2007 (PDF)
The Rise (and Fall?) of the Barrister Class By the Hon Michael McHugh AC, Introduction, August 2007 (PDF)
More Promises of Law Reform - An Antipodean Reflection, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, The Law Reform Commission of Ireland, Tuesday 17 July 2007 (PDF)
Law Reform - Ten Attributes for Success, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, The Law Reform Commission of Ireland, Tuesday 17 July 2007 (PDF)
Geographical Remoteness, Remote Justice, Keynote Address, Criminal Lawyers' Association of the Northern Territory, Conference, Bali, 2 July 2007 (PDF)
Australian Volunteers International, Foreword, July 2007 (PDF)
Statutory Interpretation - Principles and Pragmatism for a New Age, Book Review, Judicial Officers' Bulletin, July Issue 2007 (PDF)
Disability Law - Thinking Globally, Acting Locally, QAI Fund Luncheon, Brisbane, 19 June 2007 (PDF)
The 1967 Referendum: Don't Get Carried Away, Indigenous Issues & Reconciliation Committee, Melbourne City Council, Reconciliation Victoria & Law Institute of Victoria, Melbourne, 1 June 2007 (PDF)
The Hon Athol Randolph Moffitt, CMG, OAM, QC, Obituary, Australian Law Journal, June 2007 (PDF)
Class Actions by Dr Peter Cashman, Foreword,Federation Press, June 2007 (PDF)
Forty-Five Years On: Reunion of the Graduating Class of the Faculty of Law, the University of Sydney, Australian Club, Sydney, Wednesday 9 May 2007 (PDF)
Adjusting to a New Age, Internationalising Law - A New Frontier for Law and Justice, Law in Context, May 2007 (PDF)
Sir John Barry, Foreword, May 2007 (PDF)
Construction of Wills in Australia, David Haines, Foreword, May 2007 (PDF)
Defamation - Comparative Law and Practice, Book review, Melbourne University Law Review, April 2007 (PDF)
Twelve Years in the High Court - Continuity & Change, a speech delivered at Southern Cross University, Lismore, 30 March 2007 (PDF)
ALJ @ 80:Past, Present & Future, a paper delivered to a conference to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Australian Law Journal, Sydney, 16 March 2007 (PDF)
Justice Graham Hill and Australian Taxation Law, Taxation Institute of Australia Justice Graham Hill Memorial Speech, Hobart, 15 March 2007 (PDF)
The Four-Way Test - Is It Adequate Today? Angus Mitchell Oration, Rotary Club of Melbourne, Rotary International - District 9800, Wednesday 14 March 2007 (PDF)
Aboveboard Public Accountability Forum, Foreword, March 2007 (PDF)
Courts and Justice in the Era of HIV/AIDS, Introduction to the Workshop, Judiciary of Zambia, Zaran, Lusaka, Zambia, 15 February 2007 (PDF)
H M Seervai's Centenary - His Life, Book & Legacy, H M Seevai Centenary Lecture, Bench & Bar of the Bombay High Court, Mumbai, India, 9 January 2007 (PDF)
Transnational Judicial Dialogue: Strengthening Networks and Mechanisms for Judicial Consultation and Cooperation: To Judge is to Learn, Harvard Law School, 2 December 2006 (PDF)
Robbery Under Arms, Quadrant, Book Review, December 2006 (PDF)
Technology & Law - Facinating Bedfellows, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering, 2006 ATSE Oration, Sydney, 19 November 2006 (PDF)
Judicial Attitudes to Plain Language and the Law, Research project supervised by Professor Peter Butt, Interview of Justice Michael Kirby, High Court of Australia, by Kathryn O'Brien, Law student at the University of Sydney, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 (PDF)
Peter Nygh, Family Law, Conflicts of Law & Same-Sex Relations, Twelfth National Family Law Conference, Peter Nygh Memorial Lecture, Perth, 23 October 2006 (PDF)
Sexuality and Global Forces - Dr Alfred Kinsey and the Supreme Court of the United States, A Branigin Lecture 2006, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 14 October 2006 (PDF)
Strengthening the Judicial Role in the Protection of Human Rights - An Action Plan, Inter-Regional Conference on Justice Systems and Human Rights, Concluding Session 20 September 2006 (PDF)
What is Distinctive About New Zealand Law and the New Zealand Way of Doing Law? Law Reform and the Trans Tasman Log Jam, Twentieth Anniversary Conference, Law Commission of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, Friday 25 August 2006 (PDF)
Precedent - Report on Australia, International Academy of Comparative Law, Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 17 July 2006 (PDF)
Launch of A Public Life - The Memoirs of Sir Zelman Cowen, Woodward Centre, University of Melbourne, Melbourne University Publishing Limited, Wednesday, 7 June 2006 (PDF)
Service for the Late John Marsden AM, Jogn Marsden - Lightning Rod, Change Agent, St John's Catholic Church, Campbelltown, Saturday 3 June 2006 (PDF)
HIV/AIDS - Implications for Law & the Judiciary, Fiftieth Anniversary Convention, Fiji Law Society, Sigatoka, Fiji Islands, 27 May 2006 (PDF)
Recollections of Sir Harry Gibbs, The Samuel Griffith Society Conference, Canberra, 27 May 2006 (PDF)
Professor Mark Aronson - Doyen of Australian Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, 25 May 2006 (PDF)
Holocaust - Whirligig of Emotions, Launch of Heirloom - The Second Anthology of the Melbourne Child Survivors of the Holocaust, EDS: Marietta Elliott-Kleerkoper, Helen Gershoni and Floris Kalman, Glen Eira Town Hall, Melbourne, Sunday 2 April 2006 (PDF)
Law Reform, Human Rights & Modern Governance - Australia's Debt to Lord Scarman, The Australian Law Journal, April 2006 (PDF)
The Australian Debt to the European Court of Human Rights, Festschrift for Professor Luzius Wildhaber, April 2006 (PDF)
Hanging Judges and the Archibald Prize, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Archibald Prize 2006, Sydney, Wednesday, 28 March 2006 (PDF)
The Dreyfus Case a Century on - Ten Lessons for Australia, Jewish Museum of Australia, Melbourne, 26 March 2006 (PDF)
Public Funds and Public Power Beget Public Accountability Corporate Governance ARC Research Project, Corproate Governance in the Public Sector, University of Canberra, Dinner, High Court of Australia, 9 March 2006 (PDF)
Lifting the Fog of Legalese, Essays on Plain Language, Australian Law Journal, Book Review, March 2006 (PDF)
Appellate Advocacy - New Challenges, The Dame Ann Ebsworth Memorial Lecture, London, Tuesday, 21 February 2006 (PDF)
The Queen's Baton or the Loneliness of the Short Distance Runner, February 2006 (PDF)
Law Reform & Human Rights - Scarman's Great Legacy, The Law Commission of England and Wales, Gray's Inn, London, Monday, 20 February 2006 (PDF)
Judicial Dissent - Common Law and Civil Law Traditions, Law Quarterly Review, 2006 (PDF)
UNESCO & Universal Principles in Bioethics: What Next?, International Bioethics Committee, Twelth Session, Tokyo, Japan, 15-17 December, 2005 (PDF)
Judicial Review in a Time of Terrorism - Business as Usual, The University of the Witwatersrand School of Law & South African Journal of Human Rights, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25 November 2005 (PDF)
The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights - Present at the Creation, The Australian Institute of International Affairs, New South Wales, 2005 Charteris Lecture, University of Sydney, 11 November 2005 (PDF)
Ten Years in the High Court - Continuity & change, Australian Bar Review, Text of a talk given to the Bar Readers course, NSW Bar Association, Sydney, 17 October 2005 (PDF)
Spring Graduation Ceremony, The Commonwealth Star of Liberty, The College of Law, Sydney, 23 November 2005 (HTML)
Tribute to the Right Hon Sir Harry Gibbs GCMG AC KBE The University of Queensland,T C Beirne School of Law Sir Harry Gibbs National Moot Competition 10 October 2005 (PDF)
Interview of Justice Michael Kirby by Claire Low
Journalism Student at the University of Canberra 5 September 2005 (PDF)
The Learning of Values
Memories of Strathfield North Public School 16 August 2005 (PDF)
Book Review
The Tyrannicide Brief by Geoffrey Robertson (PDF)
Australian Law Reform Commission
The Promise of Law Reform Edited by David Weisbrot and Brian Opeskin Chapter 30. Are We There Yet? (PDF)
Institute of Judicial Studies of New Zealand, Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 18-19 August 2005.Equality & Diversity in our Community. Dissent and the Importance of Judicial Diversity (HTML)
Isaac Isaacs - A Sesquicentenary Reflection, The Samuel Alexander Lecture, Wesley College, Melbourne, Thursday 4 August 2005 (PDF)
Lawyers' Weekly.Interview with Justice Michael Kirby on the Occasion of the Conferring of the Hughes-Castell Lifetime Achievement Award. (HTML)
Patron's Message, Centre for Law, Politics and Culture, Southern Cross University, 12 July 2005 (HTML)
Things to do Before I Die, the Australian, July 2005 (HTML)
Michael Hill QC Recognition Lecture, International Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law, Conference Eninburgh June 2005, at the Scottish Parliament Building, Sunday, 26 June 2005 (HTML)
Judicial Academy of the Philippines, Chief Justice Hilario G Davide Jr Distinguished Lecturer Series.Supreme Court of the Philippines, Manila, 14 April 2005.International Human Rights and Constitutional Interpretation (HTML)
Foreword to the Second Edition, Turbulent Years of Change in Australia's Criminal Laws, Simon Bronitt (HTML)
International Law - The Impact of National Constitutions, 7th Annual Grotius Lecture. The Grotius Lecture Series, American Society of International Law, 30 March 2005 (HTML)
Independence of the Legal Profession: Global and Regional Challenges, Law Council of Australia, Presidents of Law Associations in Asia Conference, Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia, Sunday, 20 March 2005 (HTML)
Foreword, United Nations Development Programme. Publication on Accelerating Access to Justice, 18 March 2005 (HTML)
Foreword, Company Law in Australia: Principles and Applications by Associate Professor Peter M McDermott, 18 March 2005 (HTML)
National Security: Proportionality, Restraint & Commonsense, National Security Law Conference, Australian Law Reform Commission, Federal Court of Australia Conference Room, Sydney, 12 March 2005 (HTML)
Foreword, Monash Law Students' Society, Law Students' Careers Guide, 2005.Law as a Career, Looking Back, Looking Forward (HTML)
Quadrant, Stirring up the Australian Constitution, Book Review, March 2005 (HTML)
Launch of the 2004 Volume, Annual Review of Insurance and Reinsurance Law, Sydney, Wednesday 23 February 2005 (HTML)
Foreword, the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc., Taking Action, Human Rights & Refugee Issues Teaching Resource, 12 February 2005 (HTML)
National Judicial Academy, Bhopal, India. Colloquium on Science, Law & Ethics, 19 February 2005.The role of the Judiciary and HIV Law (HTML)
Judicial Dissent, James Cook University, February 2005 (HTML)
UNESCO, International Bioethics Committee, Inter-Governmental Bioethics Committee, Paris, 24 January 2005.Bioethics Declaration - 12 Points (HTML)
Australian National University, Michael Donald Kirby, Citation for an Honorary Degree, 17 December 2004 (HTML)
The Long Journey to Justice for All, Australian National University, Graduation Ceremony, Occasional Address on the Conferral of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, Friday 17 December 2004 (HTML)
Deep Lying Rights - A Constitutional Conversation Continues, The Robin Cooke Lecture 2004, Victoria University of Wellington, TE WHARE WANANGA O TE UPOKO O TE IKA A MAUI, Wellington, New Zealand, 25 November 2004 (HTML)
Terrorism and the Democratic Response: A Tribute to the European Court of Human Rights, Robert Schuman Lecture, National Europe Centre, The Australian National University, Canberra, 11 November 2004 (HTML)
Three Tasmanian Law Reformers, The Training Consortium, 2004 Bicentenary of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Friday 5 November 2004 (HTML)
Human Rights and Good Governance - Conjoined Twins or Incompatible Strangers? Chancellor's Human Rights Lecture 2004, The University of Melbourne, 3 November 2004 (HTML)
Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration in Australia - A Centenary Reflection, The Centenary Convention Conciliation and Arbitration in Australia, Opening Plenary Session, Melbourne, Friday 22 October 2004 (HTML)
A Law Libraries Love Affair, "Capitalising on the Law" - 2004 Australian Law Librarians Symposium, High Court of Australia, Canberra, 29 September 2004 (HTML)
Law and Justice in Australia: Room for Improvement, 3rd September 2004 (HTML)
Opening of Family Law Chambers, Family Law Chambers, Sydney, 6 May 2004 (HTML)
Australian Journal of Family Law: The Special Contribution of Alastair Nicholson, May 2004 (HTML)
Justice Michael Kirby on "Are we all nominalists now?" 30th April 2004, 1-2pm held at the Leo Cussen Institute (HTML)
Valedictory Address to Mark the Retirement of the Honourable Alastair Nicholson AO RFD, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Thursday 15 April 2004 (HTML)
Interview with Justice Michael Kirby, Leadership, High Court of Australia, 29 March 2004 by Michele Boyle (HTML)
Reform, Obituary, Professor Alexander Castles, March 2004 (HTML)
Take Heart - International Law Comes, Ever Comes, Conference Dinner, Conference on International Law - The Challenge of Conflict, The University of Adelaide, Flinders University, Friday 27 February 2004 (HTML)
New South Wales Judicial Officers' Bulletin, Appellate Courts, and Dissent, February 2004 (HTML)
Tradition and Diversity, Supreme Court of New South Wales, Supreme Court Judges' Dinner, Thursday 12 February 2004 (HTML)
A Blaze in the Sky - The Centenary Conference of the High Court of Australia, University of Notre Dame Law Review, February 2004 (HTML)
The Importance of Constitutions and Judges, Fourth International Conference of Chief Justices of the World on Article 51 of the Constitution of India, February 2004 (HTML)
Comparative Constitutionalism - An Australian Perspective, University of Chicago, The Center for Comparative Constitutionalism, Constitutionalism in the Middle East, January 23-25, 2004 (HTML)
Australian Constitutional Landmarks: Book Review (HTML)
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:Cases, Materials and Commentary and the Human Rights Law & Practice: Book Revew, Australian Law Journal, New Books (HTML)
Litigation - Past and Present: Book Review (HTML)
Systems of Justice in Transition - Central European Experiences Since 1989: Book Revew, The Law Society of New South Wales, Law Society Journal (HTML)
Portraits on Yellow Paper: Book Review, Australian Bar Review, March 2004 (HTML)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Sunday 16 November 2003 Record OF Interview of Justice Michael Kirby by Monica Attard on Sunday Profile (HTML)
The Fourth Hamlyn Lecture 2003 (shortened version), The Hamlyn Lectures, Fifty-Fifth Series, "'Judicial Activism' Authority, Principle and Policy in the Judicial Method". The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, High Court of Australia, Delivered 25 November 2003, University Of Cardiff, UK. (HTML)
The Third Hamlyn Lecture 2003 (shortened version), The Hamlyn Lectures, Fifty-Fifth Series, "'Judicial Activism' Authority, Principle and Policy in the Judicial Method". The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, High Court of Australia, Delivered 24 November 2003, University Of Cardiff, UK. (HTML)
The Second Hamlyn Lecture 2003 (shortened version), The Hamlyn Lectures, Fifty-Fifth Series, "'Judicial Activism' Authority, Principle and Policy in the Judicial Method". The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, High Court of Australia, Delivered 20 November 2003, University Of Exeter, UK. (HTML)
The First Hamlyn Lecture 2003 (shortened version), The Hamlyn Lectures, Fifty-Fifth Series, "'Judicial Activism' Authority, Principle and Policy in the Judicial Method". The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, High Court of Australia, Delivered 19 November 2003, University Of Exeter, UK. (HTML)
Arts & Law in the Whirligig of Time, Arts Law Centre of Australia, 20th Anniversary Celebration, Art Gallery, Sydney, 31 October 2003 (HTML)
Women in Law - Doldrums or Progress? Women Lawyers of Western Australia, Perth, 22 October 2003 (HTML)
Fiji Law Society, Annual Convention 2003, Yanuca, Fiji Islands - A Message for the Young Lawyers of Fiji (HTML)
The University of Melbourne Faculty of Law Dinner in Honour of The Right Hon Sir Ninian Stephen KG AK GCMG GCVO KBE on his 80th Birthday - Ormond College - Thursday 24 July 2003 (HTML)
Interview with Justice Kirby, by Jordan Tilse, 28 April 2003 (HTML)
National Trust S H Ervin Gallery, Exhibition of the Works of Mary Alice Evatt 'MAS',1898-1973, Mary Alice Evatt - Speaking to the Heart, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
Australian Law Reform Commission, Rededication of the Michael Kirby Library, The ALRC - A Winning Formula, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
The Commonwealth Lawyer, Law in an Age of Fantastic Technological Change, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
Privacy Issues Forum, Wellingtom, New Zealand, 28 March 2003, 25 Years of Evolving Information Privacy Law - Where Have We Come From And Where Are We Going, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
The Judicial Group on Strengthening Judicial Integrity, Third Meeting, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Opening Ceremony, 10 January 2003 The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
Patron's Perspective, Monash University The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
Patron's Perspective, The Judicial Life, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
Paddington Town Hall, Sydney, Friday 23 May 2003, Ceremony for the Presentation of Centenary of Federation Medals, A Cause for Celebration and Rededication, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
Honorary Degree Award James Cook University Citation, Saturday 29 March 2003, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG Hon D Litt (JCU) (HTML)
James Cook University, Graduation Ceremony, Townsville, Queensland, Saturday 29 March 2003, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG Hon D Litt (JCU) (HTML)
Monash Law Students' Society, Law Students' Careers Guide, Saturday 1 March 2003, Law-A Career of Great Opportunities, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
The University of New South Wales, Indigenous Pre-Law Program, Friday 31 January, 2003, More Indigenous Lawyers - Making a Difference, The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (HTML)
International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates XVI World Congress Melbourne, Australia, 27 October 2002 Children and Family Law - Paramount Interests and Human Rights (HTML)
Clarity and Statute Law Society, Joint Conference, Cambridge University, 13 July 2002, Towards a Grand Theory of Interpretation, The Case of Statutes and Contracts (HTML)
The International Institute of Forensic Studies, Inaugural Conference, Prato, Italy, 3 July 2002, "Expert Evidence: Causation, Proof and Presentation" (HTML)
Memories of Hicksons (HTML)
Southern Cross University, Graduation Ceremony, Saturday 27 April 2002, "Media and Courts - the Dilemma" (HTML)
The University of Sydney, Kingsley Laffer Industrial Relations Memorial Lecture, Tuesday 23 April 2002, "Human Rights and Industrial Relations" (HTML)
Commonwealth Lawyers' Association, Judicial Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malasia, 4 April 2002, "The Challenges to Justice in a Plural Society" (HTML)
Australian Law for Chinese Readers, by William Y Q Jiang, Forward (HTML)
Australian Law Awards, Awards Function Westin Hotel, Sydney, 7 March 2002, "Law Firms and Justice in Australia". (HTML)
Book Review, Australian Law Journal, 28 February 2002 Angels of Death - Exploring the Euthanasia Underground (HTML)
Administrative Review Council, 25th Anniversary Dinner, 12 December 2001, Canberra, "The Administrative Review Council - Early Days Remembered" (HTML)
Law Society of Western Australia, High Court Dinner, Wednesday, 24 October 2001, 85 Journeys to Perth (HTML)
University of Wollongong, Sir Richard Kirby Lecture 2001, Tuesday, 16 October 2001, Sir Richard Kirby and a Century of Federal Industrial Arbitration (HTML)
Law Council of Australia, 32nd Australian Legal Convention, Canberra, 11 October 2001, Australian Law - After September 11, 2001 (HTML)
International Society for Reform of Criminal Law Conference Canberra, 2001, Keynote Address: Monday 27 August 2001, "Criminal Law - the Global Dimension" (HTML)
Victorian Women Lawyers' Association, Lesbia Harford Oration 2001, Melbourne, 20 August 2001, "Women in the Law - What Next?" (HTML)
Industrial Relations Law - Call Off the Funeral (HTML)
The St James Ethics Centre, Living Ethics, Tackling Judicial Corruption - Globally (HTML)
Turbulent Years of Change in Australia's Criminal Laws (HTML)
Dinner on the Retirement of His Honour Judge R F Burke, Compensation Court of New South Wales, Sydney, 16 March 2001, The Retirement of Judge R. F. Burke (HTML)
Bond University, Third Gerard Brennan Lecture, Gold Coast, Queensland, Saturday, 3 March 2001, Law, Human Life and Ethical Dilemmas (HTML)
The Future of Courts - Do They have One? (HTML)
DNA Evidence: Proceed with Care (HTML)
Memories of Hickson, Lakeman and Holcombe (HTML)
Global Approach to Genetics Inquiry is Essential (HTML)
Law at Century's End - A Milennial View from the High Court of Australia (HTML)
International Law - A Tectonic Change in the Legal Scene (HTML)
Australian Law Journal, New Books (HTML)
Insurance Law Journal, Obituary (HTML)
Australian Law Journal, Book Review, Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry (HTML)
Australian National University, Conference on Constructing Law & Disability, 4 December 2000, Disability and the Human Genome: To Ignore is to Decide (HTML)
Monash University Faculty of Law, Valedictory Dinner 29 November 2000, Retirement of Professor Louis Waller AO, Sir Leo Cussen Professor of Law, Monash University (HTML)
Australian Journal of Law & Information Science, Longer Book Reviews, "Going Digital 2000" (HTML)
Medical Journal of Australia, 2000 Christmas Issue, "The Human Genome Project in the Dock" (HTML)
Alternative Law Journal, Who Cares About Human Rights Anyway? (HTML)
Launch of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Melbourne, Tuesday, 31 October 2000, Launch of the Castan Centre (HTML)
James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Monday, 16 October 2000, The 2000 Mayo Lecture, "Law, Like the Olympics, is Now International But will Australia Win Gold?" (HTML)
Australian National University, Community Aid Abroad, Oxfam, Australia, World's Most Boring Lecture Competition, Friday, 6 October 2000, "Boring Speeches - The Ten Deadly Sins" (HTML)
Amicus Curiae, Global Economic Crime - Acting Resolutely; Thinking Laterally (HTML)
Medical Malpractice - an International Perspective of Tort System Reforms (HTML)
Yale Law School, The Global Constitutionalism Seminar, 16 September 2000, "Courts & Politics: Judicial Independence Summing Up" (HTML)
2000 PIAA International Workshop, The Royal College of Physicians, London, England, 11 September 2000, "An International Perspective on Tort System Reforms", Tort System Reforms - Causes, Options, Outcomes (HTML)
Griffith University, Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, Vice-Chancillor's Symposium, Friday, 18 August 2000, Globalising the Rule of Law?, Global Challenges to the Traditional Ideal of the Rule of Law (HTML)
Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King's College, London, 2000 Menzies Memorial Lecture, Great Hall, King's College, London, Tuesday, 4 July 2000, "The Australian Referendum on a Republic - Ten Lessons" (HTML)
Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law, American Society of International Law, Joint Meeting, Sydney, Australia, Opening Session, Monday 26 June 2000, " International Law - Down in the Engineroom" (HTML)
ST David's Cathedral, Hobart, Tasmania, Memorial Service for John Bruce Piggott CBE (HTML)
Australian Law Reform Commission, 25th Anniversary Conference Dinner, Regent Hotel, Sydney, Friday 19 May 2000, "ALRC, Law Reform and Equal Justice Under Law" (HTML)
Monash University, The Centre for Reproductive Biology, Robert Blackwood Hall, 30 March 1988, Inaugural Occasional Address, "Sex, Science & Society" (HTML)
Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, Graduation Ceremony, Law, Veterinary Science and Biomedical Science, Wednesday, 15 March 2000, "The Strength to Go Against the Grain" (HTML)
Opening Luncheon Speech, Australasian and Commonwealth Law Reform Agencies Conference on Globalisation and Law Reform - Cooperation Through Technology March 2000, "Interview with Professor Ralph Simmonds from Murdoch University" (HTML)
Conferral of Honorary LL.D at the University of Buckingham, United Kingdom, 4 March 2000 (HTML)
Indiana University, School of Law, Bloomington, Indiana, United States of America, Inaugural Lecture of the George P Smith, II Distinguished Professorship-Chair of Law Legal Research, "The New Biology and International Sharing - Lessons from the Life and Work of George P Smith II" (HTML)
Koorie Heritage Trust Inc, Dinner, Melbourne, 15 November 1999, To Honour the Memory of the Late A R Castan AM QC, Ron Castan Remembered (HTML)
Leo Cussen Graduates' Association, Leo Cussen Memorial Lecture, Melbourne, Victoria, 25 October 1999, "Seven Ages of a Lawyer" (HTML)
University of Melbourne Law Student's Society, Faculty of Law, 9 September 1999, Sir Anthony Mason Lecture, "Constitutional Interpretation and Original Intent - A Form of Ancestor Worship?" (HTML)
The University of New South Wales, University of Technology, Sydney, AustLII Law via the Internet '99 Conference, Law School, UTS, Sydney, 22 July 1999, Free the Law - Beyond the "Dark Chaos", Launch of the National Law Collection of AustLII (HTML)
Australian Lawyers' Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, 10 July 1999, "Human Genome Project - Legal Issues" (HTML)
University of London, King's College School of Law, Conference on Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Partnerships, London, 3 July 1999, "Same-Sex Relationships - Some Australian Legal Developments" (HTML)
Criminal Lawyers' Association, Northern Territory, Bali Conference, 28 June 1999, "The Future of Criminal Law - Some Big Issues" (HTML)
ICJ/CIJL and CAJ, Seminar, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 8-9 June 1999, "Global Moves to Legal Protection of Human Rights" (HTML)
ICJ/CIJL and CAJ, Seminar, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 8 June 1999, Legal Institutions in Transition, "Modes of Appointment and Training of Judges - A Common Law Perspective" (HTML)
International Bar Association, Section on General Practice, 25th Anniversary Conference, Boston, USA, 2 June 1999, Joint Session Committees 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 17 & 19, "Educating the Legal Profession in Human Rights - Practical or Pie in the Sky?" (HTML)
Charles Sturt University, Graduation Ceremony, Goulburn, New South Wales, Friday 21 May 1999, "Judges and Police: Meeting New Challenges" (HTML)
Australian Law Reform Commission, Dinner Sydney 20 May 1999, "Tribute to Alan Rose AO, Retiring President of the ALRC" (HTML)
Government House, Wellington, New Zealand, 15 May 1999, "An Australian Tribute to Chief Justice Eichelbaum" (HTML)
People of the Cedar - Opening of an Exhibition of Native Art from the Western Coast of Canada, Canberra 3 March 1999 "Canada, Australia and the Spirit of Indigenous People" (HTML)
Valencian Community Ministry of Health, Valencian Foundation for Advanced Studies, International University Menendez Pelayo, International Workshop on Freedom and Risk Situations, Valencia, Spain, 25 January 1999, " Human Freedom and the Human Genome - The Ten Rules of Valencia" (HTML)
Anglo-Australian Lawyers' Association, London - Great Hall, Grays Inn, 22 January 1999, "The Trial of King Charles 1 - Defining Moment for our Constitutional Liberties" (PDF)
Taj West End Hotel, Bangalore, India, 28 December 1998, Conference on the 10th Anniversary of the Bangalore Principles, "The Road From Bangalore, The First Ten Years of the Bangalore Principles on the Domestic Application of International Human Rights Norms" (HTML)
Charles Sturt University, Fifth National Conference on Reasoning and Decision-Making, Wagga Wagga, 4 December 1998, "Judging: Reflections on the Moment of Decision" (HTML)
Judicial Conference of Australia - Third Annual Colloquium, Gold Coast, 8 November 1998, "The Future of Courts - Do They Have One" (HTML)
Judicial Conference of Australia, Colloquium Dinner, Gold Coast, 7 November 1998, "Australia's Courts - A Quarter Century of Change" (HTML)
The Hong Kong Section of the International Commission of Jurists, "Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration - The Basic Lesson" (HTML)
United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, University of Waikato CNZL, 12-13 October 1998, "Protecting Cultural Rights - Some Developments" (HTML)
New South Wales Lawyers' Conference, Sydney, 21 September 1998, "Acting Judges - A Non-Theoretical Danger" (HTML)
Speaking to the Modern Jury - New Challenges for Judges and Advocates, "A Reflection on Changes in the Occupational, Ethnic and Age Make-up of the Jury Today and their Implications for Communication with Jurors from Generation X" (HTML)
UNESCO, International Dimensions of Cyberspace Law, "Protection of Privacy and Human Rights in the Digital Age" (HTML)
International Commission of Jurists, Triennial Meeting of the Commission, Cape Town, South Africa, 23 July 1998, "ICJ - Looking to a New Millennium" (HTML)
International Commission of Jurists, Conference on the Rule of Law in a Changing World, Cape Town, South Africa, 20 July 1998, "ICJ in a New South Africa - Remarks at the Opening Ceremony" (HTML)
The University of Sydney, Faculty of Law, Function to Honour the Appointment to the Office of Chief Justice of Australia of the Hon. Murray Gleeson AC, 16 July 1998, "Murray Gleeson - Law Student" (HTML)
The Australian Bar Association Conference, Dublin, 9 July 1998, "Delivering Justice in a Democracy III - The Jury of the Future" (HTML)
The Inns of Court School of Law, London, Worldwide Advocacy Conference 1998, London, 29 June - 2 July 1998, "Speaking to the Modern Jury - New Challenges for Judges and Advocates" (HTML)
International Bar Association, Human Rights Institute, Hong Kong, 12-14 June 1998, "Independence of the Judiciary - Basic Principle, New Challenges" (HTML)
The University of New England Union, Armidale, 22 May 1998, Sir Frank Kitto Lecture, "Kitto and the High Court of Australia - Change and Continuity" (HTML)
International Seminar on Human Rights, Belfast, May 1998, "The Judge's Role" (HTML)
Torts Tomorrow - A Tribute to John Fleming, "Comparativism, Realism and the Economic Factor - Fleming's Legacy" (HTML)
Australian Law Reform Commission - Launch of Reform, 7 April 1998, "Value Judgments: The Ethics of Law" (HTML)
The Australian Institute of Company Directors, Tasmanian Division, Hobart, 31 March 1998, "The Company Director: Past, Present and Future" (HTML)
American Bar Association, Winter Leadership Meeting, Maui Hawaii, 5 January 1998, "Attacks on Judges - A Universal Phenomenon" (HTML)
British Section of the International Commission of Jurists, Fortieth Anniversary Lecture, London, 17 December 1997, "Freedom of Information - The Seven Deadly Sins" (HTML)
The Australian National University, Faculty of Law, Conference on Implementing Human Rights, Canberra, 6 December 1997 (HTML)
The Australian National University, Centre for International and Public Law, Annual Dinner, 5 November 1997, "Change and Decay or Change and Renewal" (HTML)
Murdoch University Student Law Society, 1997 Annual Address, 22 October 1997, Murdoch University, Perth, "The Profession You Are Entering" (HTML)
AIJA Asia Pacific Courts Conference, Sydney, 23 August 1997, "Our Region - The Challenge for Law and Justice" (HTML)
Deakin Law School Public Oration, Deakin University, Melbourne, 22 August 1997, "Deakin - Popular Sovereignty and the True Foundation of the Australian Constitution" (HTML)
Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Law Dinner, 15 August 1997, "Teaching Australians Civics" (HTML)
4th Privacy Issues Forum, Auckland New Zealand, Thursday 10 July 1997, "The Human Genome and Privacy" (HTML)
4th Privacy Issues Forum, Auckland New Zealand, Thursday 10 July 1997, "Genetic Privacy - Looking Backwards Looking Forwards" (HTML)
4th Privacy Issues Forum, Auckland New Zealand, Thursday 10 July 1997, Opening Address, "Privacy and the Stimulus of Principle" (HTML)
St Thomas More Society, The Northern Club, Auckland, New Zealand, Wednesday 9 July 1997, "Thomas More, Martin Luther and The Judiciary Today" (HTML)
The University of Melbourne, Monash University Law School, 4 July 1997, "Law and Economics - Is there Hope?" (HTML)
Womens Lawyers' Association of NSW, Sydney, 18 June 1997, "Women Lawyers - Making a Difference" (HTML)
Visions of the Legal Order in the 21st Century, Essays to Honour His Excellency Judge C. J. Weeramantry, "The Growing Rapproachment between International Law and National Law" (HTML)
The University of Sydney, Faculty of Law, Constitutional Law Class, 23 May 1997, "What is it Really Like to be a Justice of the High Court of Australia? A Conversation of Law" (HTML)
The Rotary Club of Sydney, Menzies Hotel, 13 May 1997, "Changing the Legal Vocation?" (HTML)
New Zealand Research Foundation Conference, Auckland, 4-5 April 1997, "The Struggle for Simplicity Lord Cooke and Fundamental Rights" (HTML)
The University of Newcastle, The Fifth Sir Ninian Stephen Lecture, Newcastle, Thursday 20 March 1997, "The Constitutional Centenary & The Counting of Blessings" (HTML)
ABC Radio, "Charting Australia", Transcript of Broadcast, 2 March 1997 (HTML)
Australia-India Council, Bar Association Lecture 1997, New Delhi, 6 January 1997, "Judicial Activism" (HTML)
Industrial Relations Society of Victoria, Sir Richard Kirby Lecture, 20 November 1996, "Sir Richard Kirby, Mediation and Industrial Relations Today" (HTML)
The Australian National University - AAT Back to the Future "The AAT 20 Years Forward" (HTML)
Australian Institute of Health Law and Ethics, 1st Annual Conference, Canberra, 15 November 1996, Inaugural Kirby Lecture, "Health, Law and Ethics" (HTML)
The Law Society of NSW Annual Dinner, Sydney, 31 October 1996,"The Crisis in the Law Continued" (HTML)
The University of Melbourne Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation, Seminar on the Courts and Corporate Law Melbourne 31 October 1996, "Australian Corporations Law in Context" (HTML)
Indo Australian Public Policy Conference, New Delhi, 23 - 24 October 1996 - "India and Australia - A Neglected Legal Relationship and a Plan of Action" (HTML)
The University of NSW Symposium to mark the 50th Anniversary of the publication of "Province and Function of Law" by Professor Julius Stone - Julius Stone and the High Court (HTML)
Melbourne University Law Students, Sir Anthony Mason Lecture 1996, 16 September 1996, "A. F. Mason - From Trigwell to Teoh" (HTML)
Australian Association of Family Lawyers and Conciliators Dinner, Melbourne 2 August 1996, "Family Law Reform: Words of Caution" (HTML)
The St James Ethics Center Forum on Ethical Issues, Sydney, 23 July 1996, "Legal Professional Ethics in Times of Change" (HTML)
The Annual Lionel Murphy Memorial Lecture "Lionel Murphy - Ten Years On", 21 October 1996 (HTML)
Federal Ceremonial Sitting for the Centenary of the Bar Association of Queensland, Brisbane, 13 June 2003, Opening Speech (HTML)
New Silks Ceremony, High Court of Australia, 31 January 2000, "A Toast to the New Silks" (HTML)
Australasian Pioneers' Club, Brisbane Queensland, 27 August 1999, "People, Places and the Arts on Federation" (HTML)
Speakers' Forum, University of New South Wales, 17 August 1999, "Courts: First and Final" (HTML)
The Migration Institute of Australia Ltd, 1999 National Conference and AGM, Wesley Centre Theatre, 26 March 1999, "Review and Appeals in Migration Law" (HTML)
The Archbishop Sir James Duhig Memorial Lecture, Mayne Hall, University of Queensland, 9 September 1998, "Law, Society and Culture at the Turn of the Century" (HTML)
Corporations Law Update Conference, Sydney Marriott Hotel, 26 October 1998, "The Corporate Law Economic Reform Programme: An Overview" (HTML)
"The Need for Agitators - the Risk of Stagnation" Sydney University Law Society Public Forum, Sydney, 12 October 2005
"Working as a High Court Justice" Speech to the Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales, and the Law Society of Newcastle, Newcastle, 17 August 2005 (PDF)
"Dancing in the Streets - The Defamation Tango, Australian Bar Association Conference, Dublin, 29 June - 2 July 2005
Speech to Welcome 2005 New Silks, The Great Hall, High Court of Australia, Canberra, 31 January 2005 (HTML)
The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the High Court: 1989-2004, The Inaugural Sir Anthony Mason Lecture in Constitutional Law, 26 November 2004, Banco Court, Sydney (HTML)
Women Justices for the High Court, Speech delivered at the High Court Dinner hosted by the Western Australia Law Society, 27 October 2004 (HTML)
The Strengths of the Weakest Arm, Keynote address, Australian Bar Association Conference, Florence, 2 July 2004 (HTML)
Australian Bar Association Conference, Paris, 10 July 2002, Tensions between the Executive and the Judiciary (HTML)
The High Court and the Oxford Companion to the High Court, Botanical Gardens Restaurant, 15 February 2002 (HTML)
The Australian Bar Association Conference, London, 5 July 1998, Democracy and the Law, "The Judicial Method" (HTML)
The University of Newcastle, Graduation Ceremony, 8 May 1998, "Youth and Leadership in Modern Australia" (HTML)