Full Court judgments
Full Court judgments are published on the Court website at http://eresources.hcourt.gov.au/ once they are delivered.
Single Justice judgments
Single Justice judgments published from January 2024 are available at http://eresources.hcourt.gov.au/ once they are delivered.
Special leave dispositions
Information on dispositions published in applications for leave or special leave to appeal determined on the papers is available on the Special Leave Dispositions page at http://www.hcourt.gov.au/publications/dispositions.
Applications for special leave to appeal, leave to appeal and removal
The High Court Rules 2004 provide that the Court may determine these applications on the papers without an oral hearing.
In applications determined on the papers the Court publishes written reasons (dispositions) for their decisions. The results of the applications are available at https://www.hcourt.gov.au/registry/special-leave-applications-results-2024.
The dispositions published since December 2023 are available at http://eresources.hcourt.gov.au/.
The dispositions are also available on AustLII at http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCASL/ and on Jade at http://jade.barnet.com.au/c/HCASL.
16 December 2014
Henderson v State of Queensland (PDF 293K) (RTF 616K)
10 December 2014
Commissioner of State Revenue v Lend Lease Development Pty Ltd; Commissioner of State Revenue v Lend Lease IMT 2 (HP) Pty Ltd; Commissioner of State Revenue v Lend Lease Retail Investments Ltd (PDF 292K) (RTF 698K)
Argos Pty Ltd & Ors v Simon Corbell, Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development & Ors (PDF 297K) (RTF 691K)
3 December 2014
Commissioner of Taxation v MBI Properties Pty Ltd (PDF 251K) (RTF 615K)
Cantarella Bros Pty Ltd v Modena Trading Pty Ltd (PDF 295K) (RTF 612K)
14 November 2014
Kuczborski v State of Queensland (PDF 408K) (RTF 604K)
12 November 2014
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v SZSCA & Anor (PDF 296K) (RTF 614K)
Hunter and New England Health District v McKenna; Hunter and New England Health District v Simon & Anor (PDF 294K) (RTF 685K)
5 November 2014
Wellington Capital Limited v Australian Securities and Investments Commission & Anor (PDF 294K) (RTF 623K)
Alphapharm Pty Ltd v H Lundbeck A/S & Ors (PDF 293K) (RTF 616K)
16 October 2014
Construction, Foresty, Mining and Energy Union v BHP Coal Pty Ltd (PDF 292K) (RTF 602K)
15 October 2014
Rhiannon Gray by her tutor Kathleen Anne Gray v Richards (PDF 291K) (RTF 615K)
09 October 2014
O'Grady v The Queen (PDF 23K) (RTF 607K)
Kentwell v The Queen (PDF 23K) (RTF 607K)
08 October 2014
Brookfield Multiplex Ltd v Owners Corporations Strata Plan 61288 & Anor (PDF 293K) (RTF 621K)
Tajjour v State of New South Wales; Hawthorne v State of New South Wales; Forster v State of New South Wales (PDF 293K) (RTF 686K)
11 September 2014
Plaintiff S4/2014 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor (PDF 295K) (RTF 615K)
10 September 2014
Maxwell v Highway Hauliers Pty Ltd (PDF 23K) (RTF 67K)
Commonwealth Bank of Australia v Barker (PDF 21K) (RTF 614K)
14 August 2014
Edward Pollentine & Anor v The Honourable Jarod Pieter Bleijie Attorney-General for the State of Queensland & Ors (PDF 185K) (RTF 683K)
13 August 2014
Anthony Charles Honeysett v the Queen (PDF 183K) (RTF 605K)
Daniel Glenn Fitzgerald v The Queen (PDF 183K) (RTF 607K)
27 June 2014
FTZK v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor (PDF 293K) (RTF 617K)
20 June 2014
Plaintiff S297/2013 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor (PDF 298K) (RTF 614K)
Plaintiff M150/2013 by his Litigation Guardian Sister Brigid Marie Arthur v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor (PDF 299K) (RTF 614K)
19 June 2014
Williams v The Commonwealth of Australia & Ors (PDF 185K) (RTF 616K)
18 June 2014
Plaintiff S156/2013 v. Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor (PDF 294K) (RTF 614K)
11 June 2014
Howard v Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia (PDF 183K) (RTF 622K)
21 May 2014
Do Young (aka Jason) Lee v The Queen; Seong Won Lee v The Queen (PDF 186K) (RTF 479K)
16 May 2014
Sidhu v Van Dyke (PDF 181K) (RTF 606K)
Adco Constructions Pty Ltd v Goudappel & Anor (PDF 184K) (RTF 616K)
14 May 2014
MacarthurCook Fund Management Ltd & Anor v TFML Ltd (PDF 164K) (RTF 481K)
Gillard v The Queen (PDF 183K) (RTF 603K)
7 May 2014
Stewart & Anor v Atco Controls Pty Ltd (in Liquidation) (PDF 183K) (RTF 1080K)
Australian Financial Services and Leasing Pty Ltd v Hills Industries Ltd & Anor (PDF 182K) (RTF 611K)
10 April 2014
Attorney-General for the Northern Territory & Anor v Emmerson & Anor (PDF 185K) (RTF 608K)
2 April 2014
Thiess v Collector of Customs & Ors (PDF 163K) (RTF 481K)
NSW Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages v Norrie (PDF 180K) (RTF 604K)
Achurch v The Queen (PDF 184K) (RTF 613K)
Taylor v The Owners - Strata Plan No 11564 & Ors (PDF 186K) (RTF 604K)
12 March 2014
State of Western Australia v Brown & Ors (PDF 182K) (RTF 679K)
5 March 2014
Electricity Generation Corporation trading as Verve Energy v Woodside Energy Ltd & Ors; Woodside Energy & Ors v Electricity Generation Corporation trading as Verve Energy (PDF 187K) (RTF 612K)
James v The Queen (PDF 181K) (RTF 611K)
18 February 2014
The Australian Electoral Commission v. Johnston & Ors; Wang v. Johnston & Ors; Mead v. Johnston & Ors
(PDF 24K) (RTF 683K)
14 February 2014
Milne v The Queen (PDF 44K) (RTF 616K)
12 February 2014
Barbaro v The Queen; Zirilli v The Queen (PDF 45K) (RTF 684K)
The Sir James Martin Oration, 24 September 2019 (PDF)
Illegitimately Re-Writing the Music?, The Jack Richardson Oration, 9 September 2019 (PDF)
Reform of the Law Governing Jury Directions and the Determination of Criminal Appeals, NSW Supreme Court Judges' Conference, 24 August 2019 (PDF)
Cultural Change - The Shift from Party Autonomy to Court-Managed Litigation, Asia-Pacific Judicial Colloquium 2019, 28 May 2019 (PDF)
Criminal Law Stream, Australian Bar Association & New South Wales Bar Association National Conference 2018, 17 November 2018 (PDF)
Asia Pacific Coroners Society Conference, Tuesday 13 November 2018 (PDF)
Jury Directions: the Struggle for Simplicity and Clarity, Banco Court Lecture, Supreme Court of Queensland, 20 September 2018 (PDF 140K)
By the Skin of Our Teeth - The Passing of the Women's Legal Status Act 1918, Francis Forbes Lecture, 30 May 2018 (PDF 144K)
"Examining The Judge", speech at the launch of volume 40 of the University of New South Wales Law Journal, 29 May 2017 (PDF 88K)
The James Spigelman Oration 2016, Judicial Legitimacy and the limits of Review, Sydney, 22 November 2016 (PDF 135K)
Legal Research Foundation: The Evidence Act 2006 – 10 years On, Auckland, 23 September 2016 (PDF 169K)
The Protection of Women in the Administration of Criminal Justice in Australia, Australian High Commission Colombo, Sri Lanka, 15 August 2016 (PDF 88K)
Judicial Activists or Champions of Self-Restraint: What Counts for Leadership in the Judiciary?, The General Sir John Monash Leadership Oration, 4 August 2016 (PDF 98K)
"Equality, Proportionality and Dignity: The Guiding Principles for a Just Legal System", The Sir Ninian Stephen Lecture, University of Newcastle Conservatorium Concert Hall, Newcastle, 29 April 2016 (PDF 142K)
Keeping the Criminal Law in 'Serviceable Condition': A Task for the Courts or the Parliament, University of Sydney, 22 October 2015 (PDF 129K)
Magna Carta – Resonances in the Common Law of Australia, Spring Conversazione, Melbourne, 1 October 2015 (PDF 84K) (RTF 498K)
Melbourne Magistrates' Court of Victoria Professional Development Conference, 22 July 2015 (PDF 384K)
Jack Goldring Memorial Lecture, The Unviversity of Wollongong, 31 October 2014 (PDF 145K)
Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation Lecture, 23 October 2014 (PDF 104K)
Appellate Review of the Facts, The Sir Maurice Byers Lecture, 20 August 2014 (PDF 147K) (RTF 190K)
Section 80 - The Great Constitutional Tautology, The Lucinda Lecture, Monash University, 24 October 2013 (PDF 388K)
(RTF 436k)
30 MAY 2008
The Honourable Justice Kiefel
High Court of Australia
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January to June (PDF_96K)
July to December (PDF 57K)
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July to December (PDF 68K)
January to June (PDF 73K)
June to December (PDF 66K)
January to June (PDF 84K)
June to December (PDF 84K)
January to June (PDF 85K)
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January to June (PDF 68K)
July to December (PDF 85K)
January to June (PDF 68K)
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July to December (PDF 84K)
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July to December (PDF 16K)
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