"1922: After Ryan, the Storm" Selden Society Lecture, Supreme Court Queensland 24 March 2022. (PDF) (RTF)
“No body to be kicked or soul to be damned": The limits of a legal fiction, Harold Ford Memorial Lecture 2022, Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne, 17 May 2022 (PDF) (RTF)
“Too Much Information: Civilisation and the Problems of Privacy”, Whincop Memorial Lecture 2020, Brisbane, 27 August 2020 (PDF) (RTF)
“Silencing the Sovereign People”, Spigelman Public Law Oration 2019, Sydney, 30 October 2019 (PDF) (RTF)
"Lord Atkin: Irish Roots and the Queensland Connection”, Supreme Court Library Selden Society Lecture, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, Brisbane, 30 August 2018" (PDF) (RTF)
"The People and the Constitution”, Lucinda Lecture, Monash University, Melbourne, 11 August 2016 (PDF 91K) (RTF 224K)
"Good Barristers; Bad Days”, Queensland Bar Practice Course, Brisbane, 28 May 2015. (PDF 58K) (RTF 112K)
"Sir Edward Coke”, Supreme Court Library Selden Society Lecture, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, Brisbane, 23 April 2015. (PDF 123K) (RTF 369K)
"The Idea of the Professional Judge: The Challenges of Communication”, Judicial Conference of Australia Colloquium, Noosa, 11 October 2014. (PDF 115K) (RTF 204K)
"Speech at the Silks Dinner”, Australian Bar Association Dinner, High Court of Australia, Canberra, 3 February 2014. (PDF 26K) (RTF 69K)