The Judicial Method: Essentials and Inessentials, The District and County Court Judges' Conference, Sydney, 25 June 2009
Statutory Interpretation, Justice Hill Memorial Lecture, 24th National Convention – Sydney, Taxation Institute of Australia, Doltone House, Pyrmont, Sydney, 11 March 2009 (PDF)
Law and Change, Flinders University Investigator Lecture, Adeliade, 19 November 2008 (PDF) (RTF)
Social Invisibility - St Vincent de Paul Society Inaugural Gerald Ward Lecture, 7 November 2008 (PDF) (RTF)
The Purpose of Litigation, The Martin Kriewaldt Memorial Address, Darwin, 12 August 2008 (PDF) (RTF)
The Meaning of Legislation: Context, Purpose and Respect for Fundamental Rights, Victoria Law Foundation Oration, Melbourne, 31 July 2008 (PDF) (RTF)
Embracing Independence, Local Courts of NSW Annual Conference, 2nd July 2008 (PDF) (RTF)
The Privy Council – An Australian Perspective, The Anglo-Australasian Lawyers Society, The Commercial Bar Association, and The Chancery Bar Association, London, 18 June 2008 (PDF) (RTF)
The Role of a Judge in a Representative Democracy, Judiciary of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Judiciary of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 4 January 2008 (PDF) (RTF)
Some Legal Scenery. Judicial Conference of Australia, Sydney, 5 October 2007 (PDF) (RTF)
Australia's Contribution to the Common Law, Singapore Academy of Law. 20 September 2007 (PDF) (RTF)
Australian Academy of Law Launch, Government House, Brisbane, 17 July 2007 (PDF) (RTF)
The Role of a Judge in a Criminal Trial, Lawasia Conference, Hong Kong, 6 June 2007 (PDF) (RTF)
The Influence of the Privy Council on Australia, Anglo-Australian Lawyers Society, Sydney, 31 May 2007 (PDF) (RTF)
The Constitutional Decisions of the Founding Fathers, University of Notre Dame, School of Law (Sydney), Inaugural Annual Lecture, 27 March 2007 (PDF) (RTF)
The State of the Judicature, 35th Australian Legal Convention, Sydney 25 March 2007 (PDF) (RTF)
Public Confidence in the Courts, National Judicial College of Australia, Canberra, 9 February 2007 (PDF) (RTF)
A Core Value, Annual Colloquium, Judicial Conference of Australia, Canberra, 6 October 2006 (PDF) (RTF)
National Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference, Melbourne, 11 August 2006 (PDF) (RTF)
Outcome, Process and the Rule of Law, Administrative Appeals Tribunal 30th Anniversary; Canberra 2 August 2006 (PDF) (RTF)
Examining Values, Australasian College of Surgeons, St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, 14 May 2006 (PDF) (RTF)
Civil or Criminal - What is the Difference?, 2006 Law Summer School, Perth, 24 February 2006 (PDF) (RTF)
The Federal Judiciary in Australia, Federal Magistrates' Conference, Melbourne, 20 October 2005 (HTML)
The Right to an Independent Judiciary, 14th Commonwealth Law Conference London September 2005 (HTML)
An Idea of Power, Polish Constitution Commemoration, Melbourne, 3 May 2005 (HTML)
The State of the Judicature, 19th Biennial Conference of Lawasia, Gold Coast, 24 March 2005 (HTML)
Out of Touch or Out of Reach? Judicial Conference of Australia Colloquium - Adelaide, 2 October 2004 (HTML)
Rights and Values, Melbourne Catholic Lawyers Association, Melbourne, 18 June 2004 (HTML)
The National Judiciary, The Sydney Institute, Wednesday, 9 June 2004 (HTML)
Constitutional Law Conference, Parliament House, Sydney 20 February 2004 : The High Court of Australia: Challenges for its New Century (HTML)
Supreme and Federal Court Judges' Conference, Auckland 27 January 2004 : Summary of Remarks at Conference Opening (HTML)
Legality - Spirit and Principle, The Second Magna Carta Lecture, New South Wales Parliament House, Sydney, 20 November 2003 (HTML)
Ceremonial Sitting, Hobart, 3 November 2003 (HTML)
Banco Court, Supreme Court of Victoria, 6 October 2003 (HTML)
The Centenary of the High Court: Lessons from History, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, Banco Court, Supreme Court of Victoria, Melbourne, 3 October 2003 (HTML)
Judicial Conference of Australia, Colloquium - Darwin, 31 May 2003, "Judicial Selection and Training: Two Sides of the One Coin" (HTML)
13th Commonwealth Law Conference, Melbourne, 17 April 2003, "The State of the Judicature" (HTML)
Australian Bar Association Conference, Paris, 8 July 2002, "Global Influences on the Australian Judiciary" (HTML)
The Samuel Griffith Society, Sydney, 14 June 2002, "The Birth, Life and Death of Section 74" (HTML)
Public Confidence in the Judiciary, Judicial Conference of Australia, Launceston, 27 April 2002 (HTML)
The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia, Launch - Canberra 13 February 2002 (HTML)
Courts and the Rule of Law, The Rule of Law Series, Melbourne University, 7 November 2001 (HTML)
The State of Judicature, 14 October 2001 (HTML)
Family Court Conference, Sydney, 27 July 2001, "Valuing Courts" (HTML)
The Ninth Lucinda Lecture, Monash University, 24 July 2001, "The Shape of Representative Democracy" (HTML)
International Conference on Regulation Reform, Management and Security of Legislation, Parliament House, New South Wales, 9 July 2001, "The Growth of Legislation and Regulation" (HTML)
Griffith University, 20 April 2001, Occasional Address (HTML)
A Changing Judiciary, Judicial Conference of Australia, Uluru,7 April 2001 (HTML)
Launch of the Victorian Bar Legal Assistance Scheme, Melbourne, 16 February 2001 (HTML)
Valuing Intangibles, Sydney University, 3 February 2001 (HTML)
St James Church Sydney, Christmas Service for Lawyers, 29 November 2000, Occasional Address (HTML)
Australian Bar Association Conference, New York, 2 July 2000, "Judicial Legitimacy" (HTML)
Australian Law Reform Commission Conference, Sydney, 19 May 2000, "Managing Justice in the Australian Context" (HTML)
Supreme Court of Japan, Tokyo, 17 January 2000, "Current Issues for the Australian Judiciary" (HTML)
Women Lawyers' Association of New South Wales, 26 October 1999, "The Changing Paradigm" (HTML)
Australian Legal Convention, Canberra, 10 October 1999, "The State of the Judicature" (HTML)
Seventh Australasian and Pacific Conference on Delegated Legislation, Fourth Australasian and Pacific Conference on the Scrutiny of Bills, Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney, 21 July 1999 (HTML)
Greek-Australian International Legal & Medical Conference, 31 May 1999, "Are the Professions Worth Keeping?" (HTML)
175th Anniversary of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, 17 May 1999 (HTML)
The University of Sydney, Graduation Ceremony, 7 May 1999 (HTML)
The Sydney Institute, Sydney, 16 March 1999, "Legal Oil and Political Vinegar" (HTML)
Judicial Conference of Australia - Third Annual Colloquium, Gold Coast, 8 November 1998, "The Future State of the Judicature" (HTML)
Supreme Court of New South Wales, Judges' Conference, 11 September 1998, "Commentary on Paper by Lord Browne-Wilkinson" (HTML)
National Judicial Orientation Programme, Sydney, 16 August 1998, "The Role of the Judge and Becoming a Judge" (HTML)
ALTA Conference, Dunedin, 7 July 1998, "The Future of Civil Justice - Adjudication or Dispute Resolution ?" (HTML)