10 December 2020
Reasons for decision:
Gerner & Anor v State of Victoria [2020] HCA 48 (PDF) (RTF)
9 December 2020
For judgment:
Peniamina v The Queen [2020] HCA 47 (PDF) (RTF)
Minister for Home Affairs v DUA16; Minister for Home Affairs v CHK16 [2020] HCA 46 (PDF) (RTF)
Roy v O'Neill [2020] HCA 45 (PDF) (RTF)
2 December 2020
For judgment:
Clayton v Bant [2020] HCA 44 (PDF) (RTF)
Minister for Home Affairs & Anor v DMA18 as Litigation Guardian for DLZ18 & Anor; Minister for Home Affairs & Anor v Marie Theresa Arthur as Litigation Representative for BDX18; Minister for Home Affairs & Anor v FRX17 as Litigation Representative for FRM17; Minister for Home Affairs & Anor v DJA18 as Litigation Representative for DIZ18 [2020] HCA 43 (PDF) (RTF)
12 November 2020
For judgment:
Calidad Pty Ltd & Ors v Seiko Epson Corporation & Anor [2020] HCA 41 (PDF) (RTF)
4 November 2020
For judgment:
GBF v The Queen [2020] HCA 40 (PDF) (RTF)
Deguisa & Anor v Lynn & Ors [2020] HCA 39 (PDF) (RTF)
14 October 2020
For judgment:
AUS17 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor [2020] HCA 37 (PDF) (RTF)
The Queen v Abdirahman-Kalif [2020] HCA 36 (PDF) (RTF)
Hsiao v Fazarri [2020] HCA 35 (PDF) (RTF)
ABT17 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor [2020] HCA 34 (PDF) (RTF)
7 October 2020
For judgment:
Northern Land Council & Anor v Quall & Anor [2020] HCA 33 (PDF) (RTF)
9 September 2020
For judgment:
Applicant S270/2019 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2020] HCA 32 (PDF) (RTF)
Private R v Cowen & Anor [2020] HCA 31 (PDF) (RTF)
13 August 2020
For judgment:
Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd v AMQU & Ors; Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations v AMWU & Ors [2020] HCA 29 (PDF) (RTF)
State of Queensland v The Estate of the Late Jennifer Leanne Masson [2020] HCA 28 (PDF) (RTF)
5 August 2020
For judgment:
Berry & Anor v CCL Secure Pty Ltd [2020] HCA 27 (PDF) (RTF)
Lewis v The Australian Capital Territory [2020] HCA 26 (PDF) (RTF)
30 June 2020
For judgment:
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v CED16 & Anor [2020] HCA 24 (PDF) (RTF)
Nguyen v The Queen [2020] HCA 23 (PDF) (RTF)
3 June 2020
For judgment:
Binsaris v Northern Territory of Australia; Webster v Northern Territory of Australia; O’Shea v Northern Territory of Australia; Austral v Northern Territory of Australia [2020] HCA 22 (PDF) (RTF)
Delivery of reasons:
Cumberland v The Queen [2020] HCA 21 (PDF) (RTF)
29 May 2020
For judgment:
Pickett v The State of Western Australia; Mead v The State of Western Australia; Mead v The State of Western Australia; Anthony v The State of Western Australia; TSM (A Child) v The State of Western Australia [2020] HCA 20 (PDF) (RTF)
Hocking v Director-General of the National Archives of Australia [2020] HCA 19 (PDF) (RTF)
24 April 2020
For judgment:
Moore v Scenic Tours Pty Ltd [2020] HCA 17 (PDF) (RTF)
Commonwealth of Australia v Helicopter Resources Pty Ltd & Ors [2020] HCA 16 (PDF) (RTF)
Publication of reasons for judgment:
Coughlan v The Queen [2020] HCA 15 (PDF) (RTF)
15 April 2020
For judgment:
Smethurst & Anor v Commissioner of Police & Anor [2020] HCA 14 (PDF) (RTF)
7 April 2020
For judgment:
Pell v The Queen [2020] HCA 12 (PDF) (RTF)
18 March 2020
For judgment:
Swan v The Queen [2020] HCA 11 (PDF) (RTF)
Strbak v The Queen [2020] HCA 10 (PDF) (RTF)
State of Western Australia v Manado & Ors; State of Western Australia v Augustine & Ors; Commonwealth of Australia v Augustine & Ors; Commonwealth of Australia v Manado & Ors [2020] HCA 9 (PDF) (RTF)
The Queen v Guode [2020] HCA 8 (PDF) (RTF)
Commissioner of State Revenue v Rojoda Pty Ltd [2020] HCA 7 (PDF) (RTF)
For delivery of reasons:
KMC v Director of Public Prosecutions (SA) [2020] HCA 6 (PDF) (RTF)
11 March 2020
For judgment:
BHP Billiton Limited (Now Named as BHP Group Limited) v Commissioner of Taxation [2020] HCA 5 (PDF) (RTF)
Australian Securities and Investments Commission v King & Anor [2020] HCA 4 (PDF) (RTF)
11 February 2020
For judgment:
Love v Commonwealth of Australia; Thoms v Commonwealth of Australia [2020] HCA 3 (PDF) (RTF)
5 February 2020
For judgment:
Grech v The Queen; Kadir v The Queen [2020] HCA 1 (PDF) (RTF)
Comptroller-General of Customs v Pharm-A-Care Laboratories Pty Ltd [2020] HCA 2 (PDF) (RTF)
13 December 2019
For judgment:
CNY17 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor [2019] HCA 50 (PDF) (RTF)
Franz Boensch as Trustee of the Boensch Trust v Pascoe [2019] HCA 49 (PDF) (RTF)
De Silva v The Queen [2019] HCA 48 (PDF) (RTF)
4 December 2019
For judgment:
State of New South Wales v Robinson [2019] HCA 46 (PDF) (RTF)
BMW Australia Ltd v Brewster & Anor; Westpac Banking Corporation & Anor v Lenthall & Ors [2019] HCA 45 (PDF) (RTF)
13 November 2019
For judgment:
HT v The Queen & Anor [2019] HCA 40 (PDF) (RTF)
Lordianto & Anor v Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police; Kalimuthu & Anor v Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police [2019] HCA 39 (PDF) (RTF)
6 November 2019
For judgment:
Vella & Ors v Commissioner of Police (NSW) & Anor [2019] HCA 38 (PDF) (RTF)
For delivery of reasons:
Fennell v The Queen [2019] HCA 37 (PDF) (RTF)
16 October 2019
For judgment:
Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia v Sharpcan Pty Ltd [2019] HCA 36 (PDF) (RTF)
The Queen v A2; The Queen v Magennis; The Queen v Vaziri [2019] HCA 35 (PDF) (RTF)
9 October 2019
For judgment:
BVD17 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor [2019] HCA 34 (PDF) (RTF)
Connective Services Pty Ltd & Anor v Slea Pty Ltd & Ors [2019] HCA 33 (PDF) (RTF)
Mann & Anor v Paterson Constructions Pty Ltd [2019] HCA 32 (PDF) (RTF)
11 September 2019
For judgment:
Minogue v State of Victoria [2019] HCA 31 (PDF) (RTF)
For publication of reasons:
Taylor v Attorney-General of the Commonwealth [2019] HCA 30 (PDF) (RTF)
4 September 2019
Reasons for judgment:
Bell Lawyers Pty Ltd v Pentelow & Anor [2019] HCA 29 (PDF) (RTF)
Lee v Lee & Ors; Hsu v RACQ Insurance Limited; Lee v RACQ Insurance Limited [2019] HCA 28 (PDF) (RTF)
Brisbane City Council v Amos [2019] HCA 27 (PDF) (RTF)
14 August 2019
Reasons for judgment:
Palmer & Ors v Australian Electoral Commisison & Ors [2019] HCA 24 (PDF) (RTF)
For judgment:
The Northern Territory of Australia v Sangare [2019] HCA 25 (PDF) (RTF)
Glencore International AG & Ors v Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia & Ors [2019] HCA 26 (PDF) (RTF)
7 August 2019
For judgment:
Comcare v Banerji [2019] HCA 23 (PDF) (RTF)
Victorian Building Authority v Andriotis [2019] HCA 22 (PDF) (RTF)
19 June 2019
For judgment:
Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts Australia Pty Ltd v Commonwealth of Australia & Ors [2019] HCA 20 (PDF) (RTF)
Masson v Parsons & Ors [2019] HCA 21 (PDF) (RTF)
12 June 2019
For publication of reasons:
Plaintiff M74/2018 v Minister for Home Affairs & Anor [2019] HCA 17 (PDF) (RTF)
For judgment:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Kobelt [2019] HCA 18 (PDF) (RTF)
15 May 2019
For publication of reasons:
Spence v State of Queensland [2019] HCA 15 (PDF) (RTF)
For judgment:
Frugtniet v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2019] HCA 16 (PDF) (RTF)
8 May 2019
For judgment:
Rinehart & Anor v Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd & Ors; Rinehart & Anor v Georgina Hope Rinehart (in her personal capacity as Trustee of the Hope Margaret Hancock Trust and as Trustee of the HFMF Trust) & Ors [2019] HCA 13 (PDF) (RTF)
Parkes Shire Council v South West Helicopters Pty Limited [2019] HCA 14 (PDF) (RTF)
17 April 2019
For judgment:
Tjungarrayi & Ors v State of Western Australia & Ors; KN (deceased) & Ors (Tjiwarl and Tjiwarl #2) v State of Western Australia & Ors [2019] HCA 12 (PDF) (RTF)
10 April 2019
For judgment:
Clubb & Anor v Edwards & Anor; Preston v Avery & Anor [2019] HCA 11 (PDF) (RTF)
20 March 2019
For judgment:
OKS v State of Western Australia [2019] HCA 10 (PDF) (RTF)
DPP Reference No 1 of 2017 [2019] HCA 9 (PDF) (RTF)
13 March 2019
For judgment:
Grajewski v Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) [2019] HCA 8 (PDF) (RTF)
Northern Territory of Australia v Mr A Griffiths (deceased) and Lorraine Jones on behalf of the Ngaliwurru and Nungali Peoples & Anor; Commonwealth of Australia v Mr A Griffiths (deceased) and Lorraine Jones on behalf of the Ngaliwurru and Nungali Peoples & Anor; Mr A Griffiths (deceased) and Lorraine Jones on behalf of the Ngaliwurru and Nungali Peoples & Anor v Northern Territory of Australia & Anor [2019] HCA 7 (PDF) (RTF)
13 February 2019
For judgment:
McKell v The Queen [2010] HCA 5 (PDF) (RTF)
Williams v Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council & Anor [2019] HCA 4 (PDF) (RTF)
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v SZMTA & Anor; CQZ15 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor; BEG15 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor [2019] HCA 3 (PDF) (RTF)
6 February 2019
For judgment:
Work Health Authority v Outback Ballooning Pty Ltd & Anor [2019] HCA 2 (PDF) (RTF)
29 January 2019
For judgment:
Unions NSW & Ors v State of New South Wales [2019] HCA 1 (PDF) (RTF)
‘Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements, Vitiating Factors, and the Role of a Trial Judge’ (Peter Nygh Memorial Lecture, 20th National Family Law Conference, Perth, 1 November 2024) (PDF)
‘The History and Influence of McGregor on Damages’ in Celebrating 225 Years of Sweet & Maxwell: Discover the Stories Behind the Books (LinkedIn, November 2024) - (PDF)
‘Foreword to the Fourth Edition’ in Joshua Thomson, Leigh Warnick and Ken Martin, Commercial Contract Clauses: Principles and Interpretation (Lawbook, 4th ed, 2024) - (PDF)
The Fourteenth Sir Harry Gibbs Memorial Oration, The Thirty-Fourth Conference of The Samuel Griffith Society, Gold Coast, 25 May 2024, “Overturning Al-Kateb v Godwin: Unanswered Questions about the Rules of Precedent” – (PDF)
Book Review by Justice James Edelman of Robert Stevens, “The Laws of Restitution”, (2024) 140 Law Quarterly Review 321, published by Thomson Reuters, trading as Sweet & Maxwell, 5 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AQ - (PDF)
Chapter 13 “Direct and Vicarious Liability of Corporations”, by Justice James Edelman in Edwin Peel and Rebecca Probert (eds), “Shaping the Law of Obligations: Essays in Honour of Professor Ewan McKendrick KC” (Oxford University Press, 30 November 2023) - (PDF)
Chapter 8 “Equitable Damages”, by Justice James Edelman in Ben McFarlane and Steven Elliott KC (eds), “Equity Today 150 Years After the Judicature Reforms” (Hart Publishing, 29 June 2023) - (PDF)
Book Foreword in Timothy Liau, “Standing in Private Law: Powers of Enforcement in the Law of Obligations and Trusts” (Oxford University Press, 21 July 2023) - (PDF)
Book Foreword in Professor Warren Swain and Dr Sagi Peari (eds), “Rethinking Unjust Enrichment: History, Sociology, Doctrine, and Theory” (Oxford University Press, 21 April 2023) - (PDF)
Book Review by Justice James Edelman and Susanna Connolly of Paul Daly, “Understanding Administrative Law in the Common Law World”, (2022) 29 Australian Journal of Administrative Law 215 - (PDF)
Book Foreword in Paula Giliker (ed), “Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World” (Hart Publishing, 20 October 2022) - (PDF)
Spigelman Public Law Oration, Supreme Court of New South Wales, 21 April 2022; “Implications”, (2022) 96 Australian Law Journal 800 - (PDF)
“Mutual Borrowing and Judicial Dialogue between the Apex Courts of Australia and the United Kingdom”, by Mary Arden and Justice James Edelman, (2022) 138 Law Quarterly Review 217 - (PDF)
Speech “Menzies and the Law” given at the Robert Menzies Institute Conference, The University of Melbourne, 18 November 2021; Chapter 3 “Menzies and the Law”, by Justice James Edelman and Angela Kittikhoun in Zachary Gorman (ed), “The Young Menzies: Success, Failure, Resilience 1894-1942” (Melbourne University Press, 29 November 2022) - (PDF)
Original Constitutional Lessons: Marriage, Defence, Juries, and Aliens' (2021) 47(3) Monash University Law Review 1 – (PDF)
Chapter in Andrew Dickinson and Edwin Peel (eds), A Conflict Of Laws Companion (Oxford University Press, 17 June 2021) - (PDF)
Foreword to Janina Boughey and Lisa Burton Crawford (eds), Interpreting Executive Power (The Federation Press, 20 January 2020). - (PDF)
The Interpretation of Written Contracts, Mr Justice Russell Brown Law Lecture Series, January 9, 2020 , University of Alberta (Published in C Mitchell and S Watterson (eds), The World of Maritime and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of Francis Rose (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)). - (PDF)
Foreword to Bant, Barker and Degeling (eds), Research Handbook on Unjust Enrichment and Restitution, (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019) - (PDF)
The future of the Australian business corporation: a legal perspective, Supreme Court of New South Wales Corporate and Commercial Law Conference, 29 October 2019 - (PDF)
Foreword to Nicholas A Tiverios, Contractual Penalties in Australia and the United Kingdom - History, Theory and Practice (The Federation Press, 3 September 2019). - (PDF)
The evolution of bankruptcy and insolvency laws and the case of the deed of company arrangement, 2019 Oxford Law and Finance Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Oxford, 14 January 2019 - (Published in Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly). - (PDF)
Foreword to Issue 42(3) of the University of New South Wales Law Journal entitled ‘Conceptions of Ownership’- (Published in the University of New South Wales Law Journal, [2019] UNSWLawJl 28; (2019) 42(3) UNSW Law Journal 785). - (PDF)
Constitutional Interpretation, 2018 Winterton Lecture, University of Western Australia, 26 March 2018 - (To be published in University of Western Australia Law Review) - (PDF)
Hadley v Baxendale, 2017 FW Guest Memorial Lecture, University of Otago, 1 November 2017 - (To be published in University of Otago Law Review) - (PDF)
The Equity of the Statute, Philosophical Foundations of Equity Law, King's College London, 29-30 June 2017 - (To be published in Klimchuk, Samet, and Smith (EDS), Philosophical Foundationsof The Law of Equity (Oxford, OUP)) - (PDF)
Chief Justice French, Judicial Power and Chapter III of the Commonwealth Constitution, WA Bar Association Colloquium to honour the retirement of French CJ, 24 November 2016 (Published in H Jackson (ed), Essays in Honour of Chief Justice French (The Federation Press, 2019)) (PDF)
Test RTF
30 MAY 2008
The Honourable Justice Kiefel
High Court of Australia
13 December 2018
For judgment:
Australian Securities & Investments Commission v Lewski & Anor; Australian Securities & Investments Commission v Wooldridge & Anor; Australian Securities & Investments Commission v Butler & Anor; Australian Securities & Investments Commission v Jaques & Anor; Australian Securities & Investments Commission v Clarke & Anor [2018] HCA 63 (PDF) (RTF)
Commissioner of Taxation for the Commonwealth of Australia v Tomaras & Ors [2018] HCA 62 (PDF) (RTF)
5 December 2018
For judgment:
TTY167 v Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 61 (PDF) (RTF)
Republic of Nauru v WET040 [2018] HCA 60 (PDF) (RTF)
Commissioner of State Revenue v Placer Dome Inc [2018] HCA 59 (PDF) (RTF)
14 November 2018
For judgment:
SAS Trustee Corporation v Miles [2018] HCA 55 (PDF) (RTF)
Comptroller General of Customs v Zappia [2018] HCA 54 (PDF) (RTF)
8 November 2018
For judgment:
Strickland (A Pseudonym) v Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions & Ors; Galloway (A Pseudonym) v Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions & ors; Hodges (A Pseudonym) v Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions & Ors; Tucker (A Pseudonym) v Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions & Ors [2018] HCA 53 (PDF) (RTF)
For publication of reasons:
McPhillamy v The Queen [2018] HCA 52 (PDF) (RTF)
17 October 2018
For judgment:
Johnson v The Queen [2018] HCA 48 (PDF) (RTF)
WET052 v The Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 47 (PDF) (RTF)
ETA067 v The Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 46 (PDF) (RTF)
UBS AG v Scott Francis Tyne as Trustee of the Argot Trust [2018] HCA 45 (PDF) (RTF)
10 October 2018
For judgment:
Rodi v The State of Western Australia [2018] HCA 44 (PDF) (RTF)
Ancient Order of Foresters in Victoria Friendly Society Limited v Lifeplan Australia Friendly Society Limited & Anor [2018] HCA 43 (PDF) (RTF)
12 September 2018
For judgment:
The Queen v Dennis Bauer (A Pseudonym) [2018] HCA 40 (PDF) (RTF)
Pipikos v Trayans [2018] HCA 39 (PDF) (RTF)
For publication of reasons:
Mighty River International Ltd v Hughes & Ors; Might River International Ltd v Mineral Resources Ltd & Ors [2018] HCA 38 (PDF) (RTF)
15 August 2018
For judgment:
HFM043 v The Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 37 (PDF) (RTF)
Nobarani v Mariconte [2018] HCA 36 (PDF) (RTF)
Shrestha v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor; Ghimire v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor; Acharya v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor
[2018] HCA 35 (PDF) (RTF)
Hossain v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor [2018] HCA 34 (PDF) (RTF)
8 August 2018
For judgment:
DL v The Queen [2018] HCA 32 (PDF) (RTF)
The Commissioner of Taxation for the Commonwealth of Australia v Thomas; The Commissioner of Taxation for the Commonwealth of Australia v Martin Andrew Pty Ltd; The Commissioner of Taxation for the Commonwealth of Australia v Thomas Nominees Pty Ltd; The Commissioner of Taxation for the Commonwealth of Australia v Thomas [2018] HCA 31 (PDF) (RTF)
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v SZVFW & Ors [2018] HCA 30 (PDF) (RTF)
For publication of reasons:
The Queen v Falzon [2018] HCA 29 (PDF) (RTF)
20 June 2018
For judgment:
Lane v The Queen [2018] HCA 28 (PDF) (RTF)
Minogue v State of Victoria [2018] HCA 27 (PDF) (RTF)
DL v The Queen [2018] HCA 26 (PDF) (RTF)
13 June 2018
For judgment:
Trkulja v Google Inc [2018] HCA 25 (PDF 291K) (RTF 612K)
CRI028 v The Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 24 (PDF 293K) (RTF 628K)
Rozenblit v Vainer & Anor [2018] HCA 23 (PDF 292K) (RTF 609K)
For publication of reasons:
Amaca Pty Limited v Latz; Latz v Amaca Pty Limited [2018] HCA 22 (PDF 296K) (RTF 633K)
16 May 2018
For judgment:
EMPR 144 v Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 21 (PDF 291K) (RTF 619K)
DWN027 v Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 20 (PDF 292K) (RTF 615K)
CRI026 v Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 19 (PDF 293K) (RTF 616K)
9 May 2018
For judgment:
Collins v The Queen [2018] HCA 18 (PDF 293K) (RTF 611K)
In the Court of Disputed Returns
For judgment:
In the Matter of Questions Referred to the Court of Disputed Returns Pursuant to Section 376 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) concerning Senator Katy Gallagher [2018] HCA 17 (PDF 297k) (RTF 607K)
18 April 2018
For judgment:
Plaintiff M174/2016 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection & Anor [2018] HCA 16 (PDF 45K) (RTF 616K)
Burns v Corbett & Ors; Burns v Gaynor & Ors; Attorney General for New South Wales v Burns & Ors; Attorney General for New South Wales v Burns & Ors; State of New South Wales v Burns & Ors [2018] HCA 15 (PDF 44K) (RTF 610K)
11 April 2018
For judgment:
WET044 v The Republic of Nauru [2018] HCA 14 (PDF 37K) (RTF 606K)
21 March 2018
For judgment:
Craig v The Queen [2018] HCA 13 (PDF 292K) (RTF 610K)
Clone Pty Ltd v Players Pty Ltd (in Liquidation)(Receivers and Managers Appointed) & Ors [2018] HCA 12 (PDF 298K) (RTF 621K)
Alley v Gillespie [2018] HCA 11 (PDF 294K) (RTF 611K)
For publication of reasons for judgment:
In the matter of Questions referred to the Court of Disputed Returns pursuant to s 376 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) concerning Ms Skye Kakoschke-Moore [2018] HCA 10 (PDF 299K) (RTF 609K)
14 March 2018
For judgment:
Pike & Anor v Tighe & Ors [2018] HCA 9 (PDF 294K) (RTF 603K)
Irwin v The Queen [2018] HCA 8 (PDF 292K) (RTF 605K)
Kalbasi v The State of Western Australia [2018] HCA 7 (PDF 300K) (RTF 608K)
For publication of reasons for judgment:
In the Matter of Questions Referred to the Court of Disputed Returns Pursuant to Section 376 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) Concerning Ms Jacqui Lambie [2018] HCA 6 (PDF 295K) (RTF 603K)
7 Feburary 2018
Falzon v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2018] HCA 2 (PDF 44K) (RTF 608K)
Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police v Hart & Ors; Commonwealth of Australia v Yak 3 Investments Py Ltd as Trustee for Yak 3 Discretionary Trusts & Ors; Commonwealth of Australia & Anor v Flying Fighters Pty Ltd & Ors [2018] HCA 1 (PDF 303K) (RTF 625K)
14 Feburary 2018
Australian Building and Construction Commissioner v Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union & Anor [2018] HCA 3 (PDF 296K) (RTF 608K)
Probuild Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Shade Systems Pty Ltd & Anor [2018] HCA 4 (PDF 295K) (RTF 622K)
Maxcon Constructions Pty Ltd v Vadasz & Ors [2018] HCA 5 (PDF 301K) (RTF 623K)
"1922: After Ryan, the Storm" Selden Society Lecture, Supreme Court Queensland 24 March 2022. (PDF) (RTF)
“No body to be kicked or soul to be damned": The limits of a legal fiction, Harold Ford Memorial Lecture 2022, Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne, 17 May 2022 (PDF) (RTF)
“Too Much Information: Civilisation and the Problems of Privacy”, Whincop Memorial Lecture 2020, Brisbane, 27 August 2020 (PDF) (RTF)
“Silencing the Sovereign People”, Spigelman Public Law Oration 2019, Sydney, 30 October 2019 (PDF) (RTF)
"Lord Atkin: Irish Roots and the Queensland Connection”, Supreme Court Library Selden Society Lecture, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, Brisbane, 30 August 2018" (PDF) (RTF)
"The People and the Constitution”, Lucinda Lecture, Monash University, Melbourne, 11 August 2016 (PDF 91K) (RTF 224K)
"Good Barristers; Bad Days”, Queensland Bar Practice Course, Brisbane, 28 May 2015. (PDF 58K) (RTF 112K)
"Sir Edward Coke”, Supreme Court Library Selden Society Lecture, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, Brisbane, 23 April 2015. (PDF 123K) (RTF 369K)
"The Idea of the Professional Judge: The Challenges of Communication”, Judicial Conference of Australia Colloquium, Noosa, 11 October 2014. (PDF 115K) (RTF 204K)
"Speech at the Silks Dinner”, Australian Bar Association Dinner, High Court of Australia, Canberra, 3 February 2014. (PDF 26K) (RTF 69K)