‘The Prosecutor’s Duty and the Prosecutor’s Conscience’ (Speech, Australian Association of Crown Prosecutors Conference, Darwin, 8 August 2024) (PDF)

‘Lawyers and Dictators: Ten Lawyers, and Counting’ (John William Perry AO QC Oration, Hellenic Australian Lawyers Association, Adelaide, 25 October 2024) (PDF)

‘Federalism, the Courts and Class Actions’ (Speech, Corporate Conduct + Class Actions Symposium, 2 May 2024). (PDF

‘Seven Random Points About Judging’ (Speech, National Judicial College of Australia Orientation Program, Brisbane, 17 March 2024).  (PDF)






30 MAY 2008


The Honourable Justice Kiefel

High Court of Australia

Audio-visual recordings of Full Court hearings heard in Canberra

Case: “Who Decides? What Should be Local and What Should be National in Judicial Review?”, by Chief Judge Jeffrey S Sutton, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, 8 November 2023

Date: 08 November 2023

Transcript: Speech

AV time:  1h 01m


You accept the terms of use (below) by playing this audio-visual recording.


Terms of use

Access to the audio-visual recordings of the Court is subject to the following conditions:

(1) You will not record, copy, modify, reproduce, publish, republish, upload, post, transmit, broadcast, rebroadcast, store, distribute or otherwise make available, in any manner, any proceeding or part of any proceeding, other than with prior written approval of the Court.  However, schools and universities may broadcast/rebroadcast proceedings in a classroom setting for educational purposes without prior written approval.

(2) The audio-visual material available via our web-site of Court proceedings does not constitute the official record of the Court.

(3) Copyright of the footage of the proceedings is retained by the Court.

By clicking "play" (the triangle controls on the video player), you agree to be bound by these terms of use.



“Trying to understand antisemitism today” (Speech, Sir Zelman Cowen Annual Lecture, 5 October 2023 - (PDF)

“Notes on Judging” (Speech, National Judicial College of Australia Conference, 26 March 2023) - (PDF)

“Burning Bright Without Burning Out” (Speech, Minds Count Annual Lecture, 24 August 2023) - (PDF)







30 MAY 2008


The Honourable Justice Kiefel

High Court of Australia

Audio-visual recording of Speech

Case: More than a Rule book: "Identity and the Australian Constitution" by Professor Adrienne Stone, 9 November 2022

Date: 09 November 2022

Transcript: Hearing

AV time:  1h 01m


You accept the terms of use (below) by playing this audio-visual recording.


Terms of use

Access to the audio-visual recordings of the Court is subject to the following conditions:

(1) You will not record, copy, modify, reproduce, publish, republish, upload, post, transmit, broadcast, rebroadcast, store, distribute or otherwise make available, in any manner, any proceeding or part of any proceeding, other than with prior written approval of the Court.  However, schools and universities may broadcast/rebroadcast proceedings in a classroom setting for educational purposes without prior written approval.

(2) The audio-visual material available via our web-site of Court proceedings does not constitute the official record of the Court.

(3) Copyright of the footage of the proceedings is retained by the Court.

By clicking "play" (the triangle controls on the video player), you agree to be bound by these terms of use.


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